Connecting Business Innovation Leaders
Europe’s leading innovation partner network, fast-tracking your connectivity and certifying your value
We believe that, in a world seeking to solve our global challenges, innovative entrepreneurs are the force for sustainable, economic development and greater wellbeing in our local regions.
Becoming a certified EU|BIC or joining the community as an Associate Member means responding to our mission with the best possible actions to create vibrant, thriving startups and SMEs. In other words, EU|BICs take real steps to ensure that their services are best advantageous to their client companies and best advantageous to their regions.
There are now more than 90 Certified EU|BICs, over 60 Associate members and 20 satellites shaping our global community.
EBN (European Business and Innovation Centre Network) is the non-profit that facilitates this pan-European, global community of people using innovative business as a driver for regional (economic, sustainable, and social) development. EBN grants and manages the EU|BIC certification and many other innovation solutions for excellent business support actors like the EU|BICs.

EU | BIC community

Smart solutions for all your innovation needs
News & events
Our members, who we serve via the EU|BIC community, partners and the EBN team remain committed to co-design our desired future supported by innovation: creating greater wellbeing to European citizens – and beyond.



building training

expert team