In 2021, the global community of Certified EU|BICs and Associate members grew to a total of +165 organisations in 30+ countries. 36,000 entrepreneurs, startups, scale-ups and SMEs are now supported by an EU|BIC. And this is not just because of a growing community with more EU|BICs and partners.
2022 EU|BIC Impact Report
The EU|BIC community and EBN have driven the adoption of demand-driven, Responsible Research an Innovation, and inclusive incubation approaches in numerous regions, empowering all entrepreneurs, scientists, corporates, governments and citizens to develop challenge-based solutions benefiting their daily lives.
Innov’Agro – Innovation competition for sustainable and performing agriculture
Rev’agro is the Agtech innovation cluster in Beauvais region aimed at promoting the emergence of innovative projects and the creation of companies in the field of sustainable and performing agriculture and more specifically in the following subsectors: robotics, eco-design, sustainable energy, AI, decision making tools and data.
Keys to adapting Industry 4.0 innovation: a guide for and by EU|BICs
Ideas might pivot or change, but pursuing an entrepreneurial journey under an incubation programme requires commitment and dedicated efforts. It requires competence and will to adapt to new methods, and courage to surpass all the difficulties that are thrown into our new venture.
EU Digital decade: Digital Innovation Hubs and Digitalisation Funding
The European way to a digitalised economy and society is about solidarity, prosperity, and sustainability, anchored in the empowerment of its citizens and businesses, ensuring the security and resilience of its digital ecosystem and supply chains.
THE ARCH, European event to accelerate the green transition
Call for applications: The Arch, the European event to accelerate the green transition.
Startups and SMEs, embark on a great adventure that seeks to promote your company and solutions supporting support the green and sustainable transformation.
Four Common Features of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 brings the next gear change in manufacturing through the digital transformation of value chains interconnecting the physical, digital, and virtual worlds.
#EBN2023 – EBN Congress goes to Brno!
We are proud to announce we will be collaborating with EU|BIC JIC for the 2023 EBN Congress. #EBN2023 will be hosted in Brno, Czechia, on June 14-15.
EU|BIC CEEIM stimulating the innovation spirit towards success
The EBN secretariat had the opportunity to visit in May EU|BIC CEEIM, a 3,000 square metre premises with co-working area (the nest), and 23 incubating spaces for start-ups in its smart work centre. EU|BIC of Murcia is a non-profit Foundation that aims at creating and implementing innovative methodologies in the field of entrepreneurship and business creation, specifically meeting technology-based start-ups’ needs.
TN#10: Industry 4.0 – The Digital Wave of Sustainable Innovation
n this first report, we will outline the EU|BIC, EU and SME approach to digital transformation and Industry 4.0: the “why now” question; and the characteristics that participants must understand to partake and thrive in the Industry 4.0 ecosystem.