11:17 GMT

2020 EBN Congress | Videos are now available!

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If you missed a session or want to re-watch one of the panels and workshops, you can now access all recordings on the platform and our YouTube page.
The 2020 EBN Congress brought together and connected exceptional EU|BICs, EBN members, innovators, entrepreneurs, researcher & policymakers from Europe and beyond on one easy-accessible stage. Its goal was to  foster the exchange of ideas and co-learning on the most pressing subjects affecting the Innovation ecosystem such as:
  • Business modeling for EU|BICs in these challenging times
  • Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Healthcare
  • Innovative financial resources
  • Internationalisation of European innovation
  • Horizon Europe and forward-thinking EU instruments
Finally, you can keep up with the latest business innovation stories from the European ecosystem by subscribing to the EBN newsletter. You can sign up here.

Link to #EBN2020 Playlist

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