Networks of networks: LIAISE links incubation actors for Inclusive and social entrepreneurship
EBN, Impact Hub and EVPA collaborate to formalise knowledge exchange under the EU-funded Linking Incubation Actors for Inclusive and social Entrepreneurship Programme.
During the event launch on 27 January 2021, Ann Branch (Head of Unit, EC, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) highlighted the perfect timing for such a pilot project stimulating mainstream BSOs to broaden their horizons to social and inclusive entrepreneurship: ‘The timing has never been better; it feels like we are beyond a ‘tipping point’ in the sustainability debate. We hope LIAISE can contribute to this bigger picture by bringing these two groups of entrepreneurs onto the radar of mainstream business incubators and mobilising the collective power of European networks’.
On EBN’s side, CEO Laura Lecci declared to be proud of leading this network of networks and to connect ‘unusual partners’ at the regional and European level, making the most of the different perspectives, skills and expertise towards a more inclusive and sustainable transition: ‘Together with our partners EVPA and IHUB, and with the support of Caritas Europe, Cooperatives Europe, EMES and ENSIE, we will work to provoke an ecosystemic change in Europe’.
There is an undeniable link between strong economies, prosperity, social fairness and sustainable development. Supporting those who support Entrepreneurial innovators providing new solutions to tackle the global challenges should be part of the equation as both a moral and economic imperative.
Though recently started, LIAISE already received more than 60 letters of Supports from European innovation and inclusion players willing to be part of this eco-systemic change.
Interested in joining this new community of inclusion players?
- Join our session at the event “Partnerships Maximising Social Impact” – Digital Road to Mannheim, 29 April 2021, 12 – 1 pm CET.
- Read LIAISE Project Position Paper (EBN)
- Read About LIAISE in a Nutshell
- Call for EBN Members, Experts and entrepreneurs