Call for Cluster Associate Partners - bwcon
EU|BIC Associate BWCON launched a Call for Expression of interest for Cluster Associate Partners representing European manufactory #SMEs
Through the project ReStartSMEs, the call aims at extending the impact of its activities to European countries beyond the one already covered by consortium partners. Clusters (or other legal entities) representing traditional manufacturing SMEs, especially from industrial transition regions are eligible and welcome to apply.
Cluster Associated partners will act as multipliers to spread the messages and activities of ReStartSMEs in their countries, with the final aim of involving their own SMEs’ members in the project activities, namely:
- The Strategic Alliances
- The call for Expression of Interest for traditional manufacturing SMEs and tech-savvy SMEs
- The five transnational Hackathons
- The training programme and study visits
- The peer learning events
Offers can be submitted to until 18th February 2022 at 23:59 (CEST).
For more information follow the link: