The EU|BIC Self–Assessment Questionnaire 2022 is live

The EU|BIC Self – Assessment Questionnaire 2022 has been launched for EU|BICs and will be opened, during nine weeks, until April 8th, 2022.
Every year, EBN implements an annual exercise of collective data gathering from its community. With this process, EBN is capable to better supporting EU|BICs, helping them in becoming more performant, better connected and further recognised in their regional ecosystem.
From the information captured, EBN develops the Impact Report and individual Benchmark analysis for each individual member. Furthermore, with the collective insights, EBN assists EU|BICs in gaining more visibility, accessing funding, and boosting their networking opportunities. Lastly, through this collective exercise, the EU|BICs are contributing to a dataset that captures information from 100+ business support organisations.
This year, the EBN team has prepared a short video – helping EU|BICs to better understand the exercise.
The questionnaire will remain open for nine weeks – closing on April 8, 2022. The EU|BICs can save their answers continuously as they progress through the survey following instructions shared by Research & Impact Officer Isabel Carreira.
For any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact our Research & Impact Officer Isabel Carreira at