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EBN at Mobile World Conference 2022

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We were proud to represent and connect our community of over 160 #EUBIC innovation supporters, reaching 26.000+ #startups and innovators at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event MWC and 4YFN.

EU|BICs play a crucial role in enhancing #digitalisation and #connectivity solutions – from #5G #6G #AI and #IoT to #FinTech #smartmobility and #advancedmaterials – on a pan-European and global scale.

A big thank you to MWC Capital and Alberto Sierra Bañón for the generous gesture of inviting us.

MWC Barcelona 2022 in numbers

👀 Proud to see #EUBICBarcelona Activa at the heart of #4YFN22 –

👏🏼 shining a spotlight on #startups and #innovation in 📈 high growth verticals and strategic areas: #Digital#Health, Impact, Frontier #Tech#Fintech, SportsTech, #Investors, Communities and #Diversity4Tech.

#4YFN22 | Congratulations to BIND 4.0 – Basque Open Innovation Platform launching their brand new platform Up!Euskadi!

➡️ https://lnkd.in/edbwXguJ

Operated by four #EUBICs and government partners in the Basque region, BIND 4.0 is the largest Industry 4.0 #openinnovation catalyst.

6 reasons to startup in Asturias, Spain 🇪🇸. Cristina Fanjul Alonso, director #EUBICCEEI ASTURIAS and EBN President pitches at #4YFN22#MWC2022

Attractiveness of Asturias:
1. Strategically well-connected region (infrastructure)
2. Competitive business environment
3. Highly skilled talent and creativity
4. Strong innovation ecosystem (300+ #deeptech companies supported)
5. Institutional support (access to finance)
6. Quality of life, security and health.

MWC and 4YFN recap in 120 seconds

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