EU|BIC CEEIM stimulating the innovation spirit towards success

The EBN secretariat had the opportunity to visit in May EU|BIC CEEIM, a 3,000 square metre premises with co-working area (the nest), and 23 incubating spaces for start-ups in its smart work centre. EU|BIC of Murcia is a non-profit Foundation that aims at creating and implementing innovative methodologies in the field of entrepreneurship and business creation, specifically meeting technology-based start-ups’ needs. Its main mission is to promote and develop the necessary economic, social, and innovative activities, to stimulate and support technological business initiatives.
CEEIM is clearly oriented at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship culture in the Region of Murcia, through 4 specific areas:
- Entrepreneurship Support for technology-based companies that counts with a 23 technology-based companies incubator and a co-working nest, and a brand-new service Finderit to facilitate the contacts between talent/expertise and regional start-ups, in order to create competitive projects teams.
- Support and finance advising to start-ups in starting and growing their business with the coordination of the regional Business Angel Network, and the BetaBoost Programme, a regional entrepreneurs accelerator programme of 3 months.
- Bringing innovation close to society and Promoting entrepreneurship in early ages, implementing awareness projects, in collaboration with other institutions, encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation: Creativity Olympics, Imagina Business Ideas Contest, Be Steam Event, Innoteca Young Researchers Award, etc.
- International Department to carry out international projects to contribute to the development of the regional ecosystem in terms of entrepreneurship, innovation and business growth and sustainability and to provide support to its companies’ network in accessing and participating in EU funded initiatives.
In terms of activity, since its creation in 2008, CEEIM has participated in more than 30 EU funded projects. It has also brought mentoring to more than 200 business initiatives and projects and advising to more than 3500 companies and entrepreneurs.
Dedicated to the development of solutions (equipment and software) for the real-time recording, broadcasting and visualisation of presentations, classes, lectures, conferences or events, by providing universal access to the contents displayed in these events, both in-person and online, for all people, especially those with visual or hearing disabilities. It allows having the image signal with the teacher’s tracking, the image of the blackboard, the screen signal and the audio of the speaker’s speech on any smart device in real-time.
Online platform specialising in the digitisation of the hospitality sector and online orders for restaurants. Web service that allows the hospitality industry to manage its image on the Internet, ReadyMe has managed to position itself in the Spanish market after achieving greater efficiency and productivity in online ordering. More than 80 hoteliers throughout Spain and in Mexico City already use its service. Open Keep businesses open during the pandemic and, at the same time, be positioned in the digital market when the health situation stabilises.
Spin-off founded by professors from the University of Murcia (Spain) specialise in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, with extensive experience in R&D projects. The company has obtained several patents for innovative technology and commercialises advanced products and solutions for the industry.