Innov'Agro - Innovation competition for sustainable and performing agriculture

Rev’agro is the Agtech innovation cluster in Beauvais region aimed at promoting the emergence of innovative projects and the creation of companies in the field of sustainable and performing agriculture and more specifically in the following subsectors: robotics, eco-design, sustainable energy, AI, decision making tools and data.
Beauvais Rev’agro is currently launching its innovation call for start ups : Innov’Agro, with the possibility of obtaining 35 000 € and access to its ecosystem .
Rev’agro benefits form a rich innovation ecosystem that encompasses key actors and partners such as Polytechnics Institute Unilasalle agri students and researchers, firms such as Isagry, AGCO, GIMA from Massey Fergusson , Maschio Gaspardo, and innovation centers like the CETIM .
Deadline for submission of candidatures : 15 September 2022
Contact : Juliette Léauté –