The brand new EU|BIC Wacano Seine location in France

EU|BIC Wacano Seine has a brand new location in France! It is located opposite the Seine in Courbevoie, 8 minutes from La Défense. This unparalleled luxury building in La Défense combines strategic geographical location and services adapted to new work practices. The spaces are designed for the well-being of employees and the reception of your prestigious partners.
Wacano Seine is a unique place for entrepreneurs, VSEs/SMEs and innovation players located in the heart of Courbevoie and close to the La Défense business district, to help you grow in a stimulating and forward-looking environment. innovation.
As of September 1, it will offer companies and entrepreneurs wishing to join the Wacano community a whole range of services in response to everyone’s needs in a creative, innovative, inspiring environment conducive to exchanges and ideas.
Find out more here: