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EU|BIC Essentials Training Track 2024 | Shaping, Supporting, Scaling Digital Innovation Ecosystems

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Training week: online, 30 September-04 October 2024 (10-12 CET)

Welcome to the 8th edition of the EU|BIC Essentials Training, a cornerstone capacity-building event designed to highlight the pivotal role EU|BICs play in driving digital innovation across regional ecosystems.

Through five carefully designed modules participants will delve into critical areas of digital innovation exploring strategic approaches and practical tools necessary to foster and sustain digital transformation within their ecosystems. Each session is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate and lead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape for business and entrepreneurship support organisations.

This year’s training will focus specifically on European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and the role European Business Innovation Centres (EU|BICs) play in the digital transformation processes of their ecosystems.

Quick menu: Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5

Training Content and Schedule

The training will be delivered online over five sessions of 2 hours each, from 30 September to 4 October 2024, comprising four training modules and a final debriefing session.

The 2024 EU|BIC Essentials training aims at offering EU|BICs and other Business Support Organisations the opportunity to embark on a learning journey covering the following modules and topics:

Module 1: Digital Innovation & Digital Transformation: Setting the FrameworkMonday, 30 September 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

This module introduces foundational concepts and frameworks for digital innovation and transformation. It explores the role of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and how they contribute to the EU Digital Decade Policy Programme, addressing digital skills, innovative tools, and cross-border cooperation to bridge the digital divide.

Module 2: The EU|BIC Digital Innovation Strategy: Ecosystems, Business Models, and GovernanceTuesday, 01 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Participants will learn strategic approaches for fostering and sustaining digital innovation within their ecosystems. The module covers the development of robust business models, effective governance structures, and leveraging expertise and infrastructure to support digital transformation initiatives.

Module 3: Essential Incubation Services: Fostering Digital Innovation for Startups and SMEsWednesday, 02 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

This module identifies critical incubation services for digital native startups and traditional SMEs. It provides insights into balancing the needs of both types of companies and shares successful strategies from other incubators to drive digital innovation across diverse company profiles.

Module 4: EU|BIC Deep Dive #2: Incubation Services for Deep Tech VenturesThursday, 03 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Focusing on deep tech ventures, this module explores strategies for designing, implementing, and scaling specialized incubation services. Participants will learn about the unique challenges of deep tech startups, essential ecosystems, funding opportunities, and strategic partnerships necessary for their growth.

Module 5: EU|BIC Essentials DebriefingFriday, 04 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

The final module is a debriefing session allowing participants to reflect on the week’s training. In breakout rooms, they can exchange ideas, discuss ongoing practices, and explore future developments with trainers and peers, consolidating their learning experience.


In this training, participants will increase their knowledge and hands-on skills in:

  • Digital Innovation & Digital Transformation: Understanding the foundational concepts and frameworks for digital innovation and transformation, particularly within the context of EU|BICs and their ecosystems.
  • Digital Innovation Strategies: Develop comprehensive strategies that include ecosystems, business models, and governance structures tailored to support digital transformation initiatives.
  • Incubation Services: Identifying and implementing critical incubation services for both digital native startups and traditional SMEs, with insights into balancing their differing needs.
  • Deep Tech Ventures: Designing and scaling incubation services specifically for deep tech ventures, including leveraging ecosystems, and strategic partnerships.
  • Peer Exchange and Practical Insights: Engaging in peer exchanges and practical discussions to consolidate learning and explore future developments in digital innovation support.

Target audience

  • EU|BICs’ incubation managers and operational staff
  • Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs)
  • Business support organisations, incubators, accelerators, start-up hubs

Registration and information

The EU|BIC Essentials Training is free for Certified EU|BIC members and EU|BIC Associate Members.

Enrolment for non-members is priced at €399€ (excl. VAT) which allows access for two team members per organisation. The persons attending from each organisation can be different from one module to another; however, to receive the learning certificate the attendee needs to participate to all modules.

Non-members enrolled in the training can apply for full reimbursement of the admission costs if the organisation applies for a membership (Certified EU|BIC) within three months from the start date of the training.

A learning certificate is issued by EBN to each participant at the end of the training. 





Module 1 | Digital Innovation & Digital Transformation: setting the framework

Date & time: Monday, 30 September 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Module Description

In this module we will first provide the foundational concepts and frameworks for digital innovation and transformation to better understand how innovative startups and SMEs with the support of EU|BICs can contribute to the goals set in the EU Digital Decade Policy programme. The module will then look at the experience of Digital Innovation Hubs to reflect on the role EU|BICs and Innovation/Entrepreneurship Support Organizations can play in fostering digital skills, incentivising the take-up of innovative digital tools by SMEs, and tackling the digital divide across different European territories, through cross-border cooperation between European local actors.

In this module, we will delve into:
    1. The key drivers of the digital transition of European SMEs: technologies, skills and business models with Justina Bieliauskaite, Innovation Director at European Digital SME Alliance
      • Overview of the state of the art of digital innovation in EU
      • Digital innovation and new business models (concrete examples of digital transition)
      • Digital divide: how to support startups and SMEs taking up digital tools while being resilient/sustainable
      • How to build sustainable digital innovation value chains
    2. Rethinking the role of intermediaries: How can Entrepreneurship Support Organizations rethink their role in the Digital Transition of their local ecosystems? with Elena Cigliano, Head of Strategic Marketing and Innovation Services at EU|BIC Associate LINKS Foundation
      • The role Innovation/Entrepreneurship Support organizations play in the ecosystem, tackling the digital divide to achieve greater impact
      • The strategic implementation of Digital Innovation Hubs in Piemonte Region
    3. Practical insights from the EDIHs’ world on how to promote digital skills, enable digital tools and foster cross-border collaboration with Maria Roca, Digital Innovation Hubs Lead | Senior Project Manager at EU|BIC Associate Fundingbox
      • How to use EU-funded opportunities to a) develop digital skills; 2) support the uptake of digital tools; 3) enable cross-border collaboration.
      • Concrete examples of how to use these funding opportunities to re-organize BSOs and better serve the clients.
      • Final dynamic session > mapping out opportunities and initiatives participants are currently running
The take-aways from this session are:
  • Current state of the art of the European Digital Innovation landscape (business perspective)
  • Technological trends for digital innovation/transformation
  • Understanding current gaps of the regional digital innovation ecosystems and the role EU|BICs can play to fill those gaps.
  • Grasping EDIHs’ concept and strategy, and their transferability to other contexts.
  • Balancing local and transnational dimensions of digital innovation ecosystems to address the digital divide through collaborative approaches among EU|BICs (who are also EDIHs).

Justina Bieliauskaite, Innovation Director, European Digital SME Alliance

Justina's Profile Picture

Justina is the Innovation Director at the European DIGITAL SME Alliance – Europe’s first and largest ICT SMEs association. In her role, she fosters the innovation capacity of European digital SMEs through EU R&I activities and EU-funded projects. Justina is leading DIGITAL SME’s participation in the EU-funded projects and initiatives, and she is leading DIGITAL SME’s expert working groups on digital skills, competence centres and social policies (WG SKILLS). Before joining DIGITAL SME, Justina worked as the EU projects manager in different European and national organisations. Justina holds a Master of Science degree in International Relations from Leiden University (The Netherlands), as well as an MA (cum Laude) in Regional Studies from Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Elena Cigliano, Head of Strategic Marketing and Innovation Services, EU|BIC Associate LINKS Foundation

Elena's Profile Picture

For 20 years Elena has been involved in Research & Development and innovation management, following and coordinating business analysis, business development and strategic marketing activities applied to the valorisation of scientific and technological research results. She is an expert in technology transfer, innovative ecosystems and Digital Transformation.
Since 2021 she has been the Head of “Strategic Marketing & Innovation Services” at LINKS Foundation, with the mission of positioning the LINKS Foundation as a subject that supports the innovation ecosystem, through support actions, open innovation, business support and technological due diligence, and business creation. She is also in charge of talent management at LINKS, and from 2022 she is responsible for technology transfer and the evaluation and measurement of the Foundation’s impact.

Maria Roca, Digital Innovation Hubs Lead | Senior Project Manager, EU|BIC Associate Fundingbox

Maria's Profile Picture

She is working to foster the access of SMEs to EU innovations and EU projects opportunities and boost their competitiveness. She is an active member of the DIHs community, participating in the drafting of strategic documents on their role, contributing to the design of collaboration methodologies among EDIHs and actively participating in their capacity building. She has sound experience in managing EU projects focused on supporting the technology ecosystem in vertical sectors such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics and Industry 4.0. She has solid experience implementing actions to improve the performance of EU funds by public administrations and innovation actions enhancing the links between civil society, industry and academia. Since 2022, she has been involved as an external evaluator of the European Commission.




Module 2 | The EU|BIC Digital Innovation Strategy: Ecosystems, Business Models, and Governance

Date & time: Tuesday, 01 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Module Description

This module will delve into the strategic approaches EU|BICs can adopt to foster and sustain digital innovation within their ecosystems. It will cover the development of robust business models, effective governance structures, and the critical role of EU|BICs in supporting digital transformation through expertise and infrastructure.

In this module, we will delve into:
    1. Growing Organically as an Organisation in Developing a Sustainable Offer of Services for Companies and Startups with Bartosz Józefowski, Deputy Director at EU|BIC Krakow Technology Park
      • Anticipate Market Needs Early: Engage with your innovation ecosystem, including corporates, startups, manufacturing companies, and research and technology institutes, to identify their needs
      • Plan of Action to Strategy: Develop a comprehensive plan of action that can be transformed into a long-term strategy
      • Initial Programmes and Pilots: Create sustainable initial programmes and pilots that do not rely on national or international funding in the early stages.
      • Learning from Mistakes: Continuously improve your service offerings by analysing and learning from past mistakes
      • Scaling Up Opportunities: Identify and leverage opportunities to scale up pilots through national programmes or international funding
    2. Developing an Innovation Ecosystem Around Digital Transformation with Christian Travier, Managing Director at EU|BIC Laval Mayenne Technopole
      • Visibility and Branding: Use regional digital innovation events with international recognition to assure visibility and branding
          • Laval Virtual: The leading event dedicated to immersive technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality, spatial computing), bringing together Europe’s XR community since 1999
          • West Data Festival: Launched in 2019 by Laval Mayenne Technopole, this event focuses on AI and data management, offering conferences, workshops, demos, and networking opportunities
    3. Establishing Effective Organizational Business Models in Digital Transformation with Jürgen Jähnert – Chief Executive Officer at EU|BIC associate bwcon Gmbh

Using the example of the bwcon group, we will explore the journey of transformation, mindset change, and strategic decision-making that led bwcon to transition from a public-funded model to a private one, and from a 15-person organization to a 50-person organization. This includes bwcon Connected eV and the investment companies bwcon GmbH, bwcon research gGmbH, and hfcon Verwaltungs GmbH.

      • Transforming from Public to Private: Learn how to transform your organization from a public to a private model
      • Effective Governance: Explore governance structures that support effective organizational management.
      • Supporting Local Companies: Discover strategies to help local companies transform through digital innovation.
      • Commercial Sustainable Offering: Develop a commercially sustainable offering that matches regional companies’ needs.
The take-aways from this session are:
  • Strategic Planning: Understand frameworks and methodologies for developing comprehensive digital innovation strategies tailored to regional ecosystems
  • Business Model Innovation: Gain insights into creating sustainable business models that leverage digital technologies to support startups and SMEs
  • Governance Best Practices: Learn best practices for establishing governance structures that facilitate agile decision-making and effective oversight of digital transformation projects
  • Support Systems: Explore how EU|BICs can utilize their expertise and infrastructure to provide high-value support to digital innovators
  • Ecosystem Development: Recognize the importance of building a robust innovation ecosystem and effective branding through regional and international events

Bartosz Józefowski, Deputy Director at EU|BIC Krakow Technology Park, Technology Park department

Bartosz's Profile Picture

Bartosz has been involved in technological innovations since 2013. He is currently the Deputy Director responsible for Industry 4.0 projects at Krakow Technology Park.
He began his career as a Technology Incubator manager, later serving on the board of directors at a seed investment fund. Bartosz created and managed the KPT ScaleUp acceleration program for industrial startups, which launched and supervised over 70 new technology pilots in industrial and manufacturing companies.
Presently, Bartosz is responsible for the development of hub4industry, a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) at Krakow Technology Park. He has extensive experience working with corporations, technological startups, and the broader innovation ecosystem. Bartosz holds a doctorate from the University of Economics in Krakow.

Christian Travier, Managing Director at EU|BIC Laval Mayenne Technopole

Christian's Profile Picture

Christian has more than 30 years of experience in innovation and 15 experience in entrepreneurship and startups. He is a Mentor, Coach, Writer, Speaker and Managing director of Laval Mayenne Technopole.
Laval Mayenne Technopole, helps startup founders to launch and develop their businesses, helps SMEs to innovate, and helps research laboratories to cooperate with the industry.
Christian considers innovation is all about mindset, and stepping forward, and it is a life-changing experience. Christian role is to mentor, coach, and lead Laval Mayenne Technopole staff to deliver the best service to entrepreneurs. He is curious and creative, and he thinks it is important to act according to what one believes.

Jürgen Jähnert, Chief Executive Officer at EU|BIC associate bwcon Gmbh

Jürgen's Profile Picture

Jürgen is the Chief Executive Officer at EU|BIC associate bwcon GmbH. He is an experienced CEO and entrepreneur with a strong background in Industry 4.0, Mobile Computing, and Cloud Infrastructure.
According to Jähnert, while technologies pave the way for innovation, the “hard nuts” in innovation are often the “soft factors” such as change management. He emphasises that cross-disciplinary thinking and acting will become the future challenge in driving successful innovation.
The bwcon Group is a learning and growing organisation that provides companies and individuals with a platform for the transfer of knowledge, experience, and ideas. The networking opportunity represents a unique added value, as future value creation is expected to occur in networks where various players contribute their skills and technologies. With a deep understanding of information technology and data-driven value creation, the focus is on the application areas of mobility, health, production, and energy.


10.00 – 10.10 Check in and intro EBN Staff (Moderator and EBN CEO). Training presentation
10.10 – 10.40 Justina Bieliauskaite, Innovation Director at European Digital SME Alliance
10.40 – 11.00 Elena Cigliano, Head of Strategic Marketing and Innovation Services at EU|BIC Associate LINKS Foundation
11.00 – 11.10 Breath, stretch, drink, pause
11.10 – 11.55 Maria Roca, Digital Innovation Hubs Lead | Senior Project Manager at EU|BIC Associate Fundingbox
11.55 – 12.00 Conclusions
10.00 – 10.10 Check in and intro EBN Staff Training presentation
10.10 – 10.50 Bartosz Józefowski, Deputy Director at EU|BIC Krakow Technology Park, Technology Park department
10.50 – 11.10 Christian Travier, Managing Director at EU|BIC Laval Mayenne Technopole
11.10 – 11.15 Breath, stretch, drink, pause
11.15 – 11.55 Jürgen Jähnert , Chief Executive Officer at EU|BIC associate bwcon Gmbh
11.55 – 12.00 Conclusions



Module 3 | Essential Incubation Services: Fostering Digital Innovation for Startups and SMEs

Date & time: Wednesday, 02 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Module Description

This module will identify the essential incubation services every EU|BIC should offer to foster digital innovation for both digital native startups and traditional, or “analogic,” SMEs. Participants will gain insights into how other incubators are driving digital innovation and learn about the tailored incubation services needed based on the company’s development stage.

In this module, we will delve into:
    1. EDIH management: How to effectively run a DIH. The example of the Digital Accelerator of of Latvia (DAoL) with Juris Čeičs, Head of digitalization division at EU|BIC Associate Valmiera Development Agency
      • Practicalities on how to manage effectively a European Digital Innovation Hub: key activities to carry out, collaborations with partners, clients’ attraction, etc
    2. Digital infrastructure : How to renew incubation spaces to provide advanced digital services. The example of EU|BIC Incubatori FVG with Edvin Bevk, Senior expert consultant, and Alessandro Macuz, infrastructure designer at EU|BIC Incubatori FVG
      • Building a digital infrastructure. The way to renew incubation spaces making them ready to facilitate digital transformation for startups and SMEs
    3. Digitalisation tools: Digital audit and success criteria with Jan Wedlich, Business Development Manager at EU|BIC ICUK
      • Tools and methodologies to help companies become digitalised.
    4. Acceleration Zone – innovation runway in Gdansk. The role of Pomeranian Special Economic Zone in creating innovation ecosystem through startups acceleration and digital transformation with Jasmina Zwierz, Project Manager at Gdank Science and Technology Park
      • Effective Incubation and Acceleration strategies and programmes to boost innovation and drive digitalisation processes among startups and SMEs
The take-aways from this session are:
  • The complexity level of integrate an EDIH inside a Business Support Organisation.
  • Key aspects to consider when building a new digital infrastructure for a Business Support Organisation.
  • Tested tools and mythologies designed to support digitalisations of Startups and SMEs
  • Insights into successful cases/stories used by other incubators to drive digital innovation.

Jaśmina Zwierz, Project Manager in the Department of Science and Technology Parks, EU|BIC Associate Gdanks Science and Technology Park


Jaśmina's Profile Picture



Since 2016 Jasmina has been involved in creating support mechanisms for startups in Gdansk Science and Technology Park. As a Leader of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Team, she is responsible for boosting local business and fostering collaboration between start-ups, industry and scientists. Being a Project Manager in the Department of Science and Technology Parks in the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, she has strong experience in working with start-ups to accelerate their ideas and develop and deliver disruptive innovations. She is a business mentor, public speaking expert, juror in start-up competitions and Chairman of the Enterprise Evaluation Committee in GSTP.
Jasmina is a graduate of International and European Law from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and Postgraduate Management Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.


Jan Wedlich, Business Development Manager, at EU|BIC ICUK


Jan's Profile Picture



Jan started working for the Innovation Centre of the Ústí Region as a business incubator manager in 2019, and is currently in charge of the entire business development sector in ICUK. He gained experience in managerial positions at the global company Malfini, and at the startup Liftago. In his work, he is in daily contact with startups and SMEs in the Ústí Region, and together with the entire business and innovation support team at ICUK, helps innovative companies and projects in the Ústí Region.


Juris Čeičs, Head of digitalization division, EU|BIC Associate Valmiera Development Agency


Juris' Profile Picture



Juris has over 10 years of experience working in the Latvian financial sector – leasing, banking, and insurance. This experience was very effectively utilized while working at the Latvian Investment and Development Agency, managing a regional Business incubator funded by the EU for almost 7 years. Currently, Juris is leading the digitalization support as regional EDIC at the Valmiera Development Agency.


Edvin Bevk, Senior expert consultant, EU|BIC Incubatori FVG


Edvin's Profile Picture



Edvin is senior expert and responsible for the establishment of start-ups in BIC Incubatori FVG incubator. He has over 25 years of experience in business consultancy for SMEs. He evaluates business plans and funding applications under various regional and national tenders, supports companies throughout their startup phase (coaching and mentoring) and supports SMEs in their internationalization processes, organizing B2B meetings and workshops.
Edvin works on European projects, and he is responsible for acceleration and incubation paths for cultural, creative and tourism businesses. He participated in various seminars, in Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, as speaker regarding business planning.
Edvin graduated in Economics and Commerce at the University of Trieste. He is registered in the register of Italian journalists, he has written articles for local newspapers in Slovene and Italian about sport, economy, ICT and travel.


Alessandro Macuz, Senior expert consultant, EU|BIC Incubatori FVG


Alessandro's Profile Picture



A network engineer, capable of tailoring and delivering the right network based on the business vision of the company/client. Since 2004, he has been working on network systems that scaled from the smallest to very complex ones. He started as a network administrator for ItalTBS, a firm in the biomedical sector, then he moved on as support engineer at Cisco Systems where he was involved in solving problems in networks at the heart of top financial/health/automotive/payment industries, till he held a supervision role in a Belgian governmental environment. Capable of embracing all the aspects of a network solution and having different perspectives on it from high level to low level view, he designed and built the network for the Business Innovation Centre (BIC) in Trieste, totally tailored around its needs and those of its tenants, proposing a scalable, flexible, future proof solution. He now professionally shares his wide knowledge in the critical sector of aviation as part of the skeyes workforce, the Belgian Air Navigation Service Provider.



10.00 – 10.10 Check-in by EBN Staff and Module presentation by EU|BIC Associate Barrabes.biz (moderator to be confirmed)
10.10 – 10.35 Juris Čeičs, Head of digitalization division at EU|BIC Associate Valmiera Development Agency
10: 35 – 10:55 Edvin Bevk, Senior expert consultant, and Alessandro Macuz, Network Architect at EU|BIC Incubatori FVG
10:55 – 11.00 Breath, stretch, drink, pause
11:00 – 11:25 Jasmina Zwierz, Project Manager at EU|BIC Associate Gdanks Science and Technology Park
11:25 – 11:50 Jan Wedlich, Business Development Manager at EU|BIC ICUK
11:50 – 11:55 Q&A
11.55 – 12.00 Conclusions by EU|BIC Associate Barrabes.biz



Module 4 | EU|BIC Deep Dive #2: Incubation Services for Deep Tech Ventures

Date & time: Thursday, 03 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Module Description

This module will delve into the critical strategies and opportunities involved in designing, implementing, and nurturing incubation services specifically tailored for deep tech ventures. Participants will gain valuable insights into encouraging the creation of deep tech startups, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among researchers, and building robust ecosystems to support their growth and scalability.
Deep tech ventures, characterized by significant scientific or engineering challenges, require specialized incubation programs that address their unique needs. This session will provide practical recommendations, methodologies, and best practices for building and running such programs at different stages of growth. Additionally, it will explore how robust ecosystems and strategic partnerships can be leveraged to support the scaling of deep tech startups.

In this module, we will delve into:
    1. Defining Deep Tech, Core Characteristics and Fostering Venture Creation with Olivier Zephir, Senior Business Advisor at the EU|BIC Technoport SA
      • Understanding Deep Tech
      • The collaboration between EU|BICs and universities and research institutions to encourage the creation of deep tech startups and foster an entrepreneurial mindset.
    2. Building and Running Effective Incubation Programs for Deep Tech Ventures with Oliver Hasse, Managing Director at EU|BIC associate INAM Berlin
      • Developing tailored support services that address the unique technical and commercial challenges faced by deep tech startups at various growth stages.
      • The key components of effective incubation programs tailored to the needs and growth stages of deep tech ventures
    3. Leveraging Ecosystems for Scaling Deep Tech Startups with Arielle Santé, General Director at EU|BIC IncubAlliance Paris-Saclay
      • Forging alliances with universities, research institutions, and industry leaders to create a supportive ecosystem
      • Leveraging local and global ecosystems to provide the necessary support for deep tech startups to scale
      • Identifying and utilising diverse funding sources, including venture capital, grants, and government initiatives, to support deep tech innovation
The take-aways from this session are:
  • Understanding the distinct characteristics and challenges of deep tech ventures.
  • Strategies for fostering entrepreneurship among researchers and encouraging deep tech startup creation.
  • Design principles and best practices in developing deep tech-focused incubation programs based on their specific needs and growth stages.
  • Importance of building robust ecosystems and partnerships to foster innovation and support scalability.

Oliver Hasse, Managing Director, EU|BIC associate INAM Berlin

Oliver's Profile Picture

Oliver Hesse is the Managing Director of INAM – Innovation Network for Advanced Materials and a Managing Partner at Oceanis Ventures. With a distinguished career in strategy, finance, and innovation, Oliver brings extensive experience in improving company performance, managing change, and driving growth through digitalization and investment.
At INAM, Oliver leads initiatives connecting deep tech startups with industry leaders, research institutions, and investors to tackle material challenges of the future. Their work focuses on fostering collaborations that bridge technological advancements with practical industry applications.
With an MBA from ESMT Berlin and specialized training in M&A, restructuring, and entrepreneurship, Oliver is also a seasoned speaker, mentor, and business angel. Their roles at various firms underscore a commitment to igniting innovation and facilitating cross-border growth strategies.

Arielle Santé, General Director, EU|BIC IncubAlliance Paris-Saclay

Arielle's Profile Picture

Arielle Santé is the General Director of IncubAlliance Paris-Saclay, the deep tech incubator of Paris-Saclay. Established in 2000 by leading higher education and research institutions along with major industrial players in the region, chaired by Paris-Saclay University which ranked 12th worldwide and 1st in continental Europe (ARWU), IncubAlliance is dedicated to fostering innovative technological entrepreneurship.
Bringing over 30 years of experience at the intersection of research and industry, Arielle holds a master’s degree in business, a Ph.D. in strategic management from the University of Paris-Saclay, followed by a post-doctorate on the topic of Industry 4.0. Her career began in luxury business development at Hediard, followed by an international business position in the industrial sector with Aluminium Péchiney. She later founded ASCEO, a consulting firm specializing in management, negotiation, and strategy for public research organizations and innovative companies. Deeply involved in the Paris-Saclay ecosystem, Arielle is committed to unlocking the potential of academic research.

Olivier Zephir, Senior Business Advisor, EU|BIC Technoport SA

Oliver's Profile Picture

Olivier Zephir is a Senior Business Advisor at the Technoport SA a technology business incubator based in Luxembourg. He has a double background combining Industrial Systems Engineering and Human Factors. Olivier supports start-ups in bridging the early-stage venture challenges such as validating technological products, and the related commercial strategies within a consolidated ecosystem of sustainable partners. Olivier is active across a set of European industrial RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) initiatives covering the domains of blockchain & new media, space tech and in the wearables industry. At the Technoport SA he operates a specific start-up support program in the field of space resources utilisation.


10.00 – 10.10 Check in and intro EBN Staff. Module presentation
10:10 – 10:40 Olivier Zephir, Senior Business Advisor at the EU|BIC Technoport SA
10:40 – 11:10 Oliver Hasse, Managing Director at EU|BIC associate INAM Berlin
11.10 – 11.15 Breath, stretch, drink, pause
11:15 – 11:55 Arielle Santé, General Director at EU|BIC IncubAlliance Paris-Saclay
11.55 – 12.00 Conclusions by EU|BIC Associate Barrabes.biz



Module 5 | EU|BIC Essentials Debriefing

Date & time: Friday, 04 October 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Module Description

Time to look back at the training modules we went through over the last four days and allow for peer exchange. Split into 4 break-out rooms, participants can further exchange with the trainers and with other peers on ongoing practices, ideas for future developments etc.

10:00 – 10:15 Check in and intro EBN Staff. Module presentation
10:15 – 11:30 Debriefing Sessions > 4 parallel discussion groups
11:30- 11:50 Parallel sessions highlights
11:50-12:00 Conclusions



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