Thu 04 Mar, 2021
16:00 GMT
Circular Trends and Business opportunities in the textile and clothing sector in the Mediterranean
The STAND Up! project (Sustainable Textile Action for Networking and Development of circular economy business ventures in the Mediterranean) is organising a web-conference aiming at publicly presenting the activities that the project partners will develop within the Growing Innovation programme.
The specific objective is to present and inform about the business support services that will be provided by the project partners and the “Call for green entrepreneurs” opened on February 15, 2021 designed to deliver a 2-month capacity-building programme tailored to support them in developing their green business models. The web conference will also introduce the circular trends and circular business opportunities and models in the textiles and fashion sector in the Mediterranean, showcasing successful circular business ventures of the textile and fashion sectors.
The STAND Up! project is funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme, currently focused on a 10-months program of business support activities and innovation opportunities designed for entrepreneurship and eco-innovative business projects in the textile, clothing and fashion industry.