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EBN speaking at ADSA online study visit

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Acceleration Programmes and New Opportunities for Digital Startups in the Atlantic Area

DIGITAL STARTUPS require different ways of support: their market is global, their timing is crucial, agility is required….. they cannot be supported as a traditional business.

The objective of this Online Study Visit is to present to Business Support Professionals, different methodologies and experiences, from organizations that are running support programmes for digital startups and the perspective of some of the startups with experience participating in acceleration programmes, as well as to present other opportunities for supporting digital startups in the Atlantic Area.

Who is it for?

  • Professionals supporting businesses, willing to improve their capacity to support DIGITAL STARTUPS, as:
  • Business Support organizations (public and private)
  • Professionals from Business Accelerators, Incubators, …
  • Business Mentors
  • Freelance supporting startups and businesses
  • Startups

From Spain, France, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland
Wednesday 24th March 2021 – 10.00 -13.30 h CET
(09:00 – 12:30 Ireland, UK, Portugal)


10:00 – 10:10    Welcome 

10:10 – 10:20    Presentation of ADSA Project Best Practices

  • Rubén Carrandi – Project Manager at EBN (European Business Innovation Centre Network).

10:20 – 10:50    Presentation of the Acceleration Programme “MINERVA”
Minerva is a technology-based Business Accelerator supported by the Andalusian Regional Government and Vodafone. They work to boost ICT entrepreneurship and to Support startups to consolidate their business in Andalucia.

  • Gracia Catalina Piñero, Director of 'Minerva  Programme'

10:50 – 11:20    Presentation of The House of Startups “Luxembourg”.
The House of Startups is a campus integrating innovation hubs, incubators, business accelerators, experts, startup consulting services and corporates, all under one roof, where startups can find all the support needed.

11:20 -11:30    Break
11:30 -12:00    Enrich Network (USA-China-Brazil-Africa).
ENRICH is the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs. Funded by the EU Commission under the H-2020 programme the ENRICH Network offers services to connect European research, technology and business organisations with four global innovation markets: Brazil (ENRICH in Brazil), China (ENRICH in China), US (ENRICH in the USA) and Africa (ENRICH Africa).

  • Robert Sanders, Senior Advisor for International Projects at EBN (European Business Innovation Centre Network).

12:00 – 12:45    Motivations and Experience of Startups participating in Acceleration Programmes:

–    Patrick McDermott – DigiTally (Godigitally.io) – Ireland 
–    2 other startups to be confirmed.

12:45 -13:15    New Opportunities for Digital Startups in the new EU funding framework
Digital Innovation Hubs  / European Digital Innovation Hubs 

  • Anna Puig Centelles. Programme Officer. Unit A4 Digital Transformation of Industrial Ecosystems. DG-CONNECT at European Commission 


Download the PDF programme

Working Language: English



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