EU|BIC Essentials Training Track 2023

The comprehensive guide for innovation ecosystem builders, including the latest innovation methodologies on sourcing good talent, managing spaces for impact, assuring financial sustainability, and structuring organisational impact.
Training certificate Available.
Drawing from the lessons and the best practices in business support delivery from across more than 35 countries worldwide, the EU|BIC Essentials Training Programme provides in five sessions a comprehensive guide to sourcing good HR capital and companies for Business Innovation Centres and their innovation ecosystems, to manage incubation and acceleration spaces for impact, as well as assuring solid financial models and better structuring organisational impact for thriving EU|BICs. The training allows participants to interact with experts and trainers with extensive hands-on experience in innovation, people, spaces, sustainability and organizational management.
Participants will earn a learning certificate, issued by EBN, the leading pan-European community working on innovation-stimulating solutions, for excellent business support actors (incubators, accelerators, science centres, universities, clusters, and development agencies).
For whom
The training programme is designed for all practitioners looking to accelerate their development in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship with a focus on incubation.
The participants’ profiles are business executives and business leaders looking to improve their abilities related with business support processes, impact and programme strategies for Business Innovation Centres.
The training is designed for professionals seeking to access the foundational knowledge and resources necessary to improve Business Innovation Centres’ capacity and expand their client service offering portfolio.
The EU|BIC Essentials Training Programme is open to members of EU|BICs and Associate EU|BICs, as well as to external organisations, working with incubation and entrepreneurship ecosystems or to organisations that are considering becoming members of the EU|BIC community (facilitated by EBN) and obtaining the EU|BIC Certification label.
In this training, participants will increase their knowledge and hands-on skills in:
- Sourcing and maintaining adequate human resources capital for EU|BIC and client companies (corporates)
- Developing spaces for Impact and scaling up Innovation and Entrepreneurship Infrastructures to assure territorial development.
- Assuring financial sustainability and diverse revenue streams for business innovation centres
- Structuring and promoting the organisation’s impact in the catchment area – use impact tools and data narrative to assure lead generation and better recognition in your ecosystems.
Training Content and Schedule
The training will be delivered online over five sessions of 2-hours each, on 25-29 September 2023: 4 training modules followed by a final debriefing session.
The 2023 EU|BIC Essentials training aims at offering EU|BICs and other Business Support Organisations the opportunity to embark on a learning journey covering the following modules and topics.
- Module 1: Sourcing and Securing Talent for EU|BICs and client companies.
- Module 2: Operating Spaces for Impact – where innovation happens. Managing diverse spaces and infrastructures in a Business Innovation Centre.
- Module 3: Assuring financial sustainability and diverse revenue streams for EU|BICs.
- Module 4: Measure. Manage. Maximise. Integrating impact assessment frameworks within EU|BICs.
- Module 5: EU|BIC Essentials Debriefing.
Module 1 Sourcing and Securing Talent for EU|BICs and client companies | Monday 25 September, 10:30 – 12:30.
This module will provide recommendations, methodologies, and insights on securing top talent for EU|BIC as organisation and for EU|BIC Open Innovation’s programmes implemented with corporate ecosystems.
- Sourcing and Securing Good Human Resources Capital in EU|BICs
Recruitment is a critical aspect of any organization’s success, and it can be challenging to find the right talent in a competitive job market. By providing training on current trends, and effective recruitment and interview techniques, we can help our partners and beneficiaries attract and retain top talent and build a stronger and better-qualified workforce for Business Support Organisations.
- Scouting Talented Companies and Teams for Open Innovation Programme
Providing an experience for scouting startups for incubators and accelerators in their collaboration with corporate partners. What does the collaboration with corporates and corporate innovation programmes can tech EU|BICs and their ecosystems?
- I want to build an open innovation programme where do I start?
- How can I scout companies’ EU|BIC corporate programme needs?
Module 2 Operating Spaces for Impact – where innovation happens. Managing diverse spaces and infrastructures in a Business Innovation Centre. | Tuesday 26 September, 10:30 – 12:30
This module will delve into the creation of spaces for impact. Through the module participants will be offered with concrete perspectives on how to develop diverse Innovation and Entrepreneurship Infrastructures to achieve organisation’s values, vision and goals and how to use EU|BIC premises as a strategic tool to maximise their impact.
Experts and trainers will share how the right programme requires right space and how managing different types of spaces can assure effective services and territorial development.
Example of spaces that will be considered for this module.
- Sectorial spaces: Creative and Cultural Industries, Digital Innovation Hub, Sustainability & Circularity, Spaces for Inclusion, FabLabs.
- Community gathering and spaces for collaboration: coworking spaces, living labs, (city gov) Testbeds.
For each space we will debate how the spaces can be thought of according to the target audiences, the programme objectives, and the available resources (team, financials, equipment.)
Module 3 Assuring Financial Sustainability and Diverse Revenue Streams for Business Innovation Centres | Wednesday 27 September, 10:30 – 12:30
This module acknowledges the importance and impact that diverse governance and financing models have for structuring a performant Business Innovation Centre. In this module, we will understand how the ownership structure of an EU|BIC (public or private ownership) connects with sources of income and what are the fittest sources of income (grants, subsidies, housing/renting, EU funding) for different type of Business Innovation Centres.
- Where do we start – business model or financial model? What are the key steps?
- How to identify and attract your next revenue streams?
- How to assure sustainability in financial streams for your organisation and client companies?
- What are the next financial models for Business Innovation Centres?
Module 4 Measure. Manage. Maximise. Integrating impact assessment frameworks in EU|BICs strategies and programmes. | Thursday 28 September, 10:30 – 12:30
This module will present how to develop a strategy for creating an impact, how to disseminate and use the data obtained from EBN, including the benchmark report, impact data slides and best community practices.
- How to critically tailor monitoring systems in EU|BICS to focus on outcomes and net impacts that consider socio-economic and environmental dimensions?
- How to exploit data and impact tools to improve organisational performance? i.e., EU|BIC Impact Report, EU|BIC Benchmarking Report, community best practices and capacity building
- How to communicate impact by providing value to data?
Module 5 EU|BIC Essentials Debriefing | Friday 29 September, 10:30 – 12:30.
Time to look back at the training modules we went through over the last four days and allow for peer exchange. Split into 4 break-out rooms, participants can further exchange with the trainers and with other peers on ongoing practices, ideas for future developments etc. Groups will discuss:
- How to manage, measure and maximise impact.
- Next steps on how to manage diverse spaces for impact.
- Next steps on how to source and secure good HR capital.
- Next steps on how to scout talented companies and teams.
Training modules’ general structure (2 hours)
10.30-10.40 | Check-in and intro | EBN staff |
10.40-11.20 | Expert talk | External/unusual insights |
11.20-11.30 | Breath, stretch, drink | Pause |
11.30-12.20 | 1 Tool and 1 Practice | EU|BIC / EBN member |
12.20-12.30 | Check out | EBN staff |
Find the Training – brochure – 2023 here.
Pricing & registration
The EU|BIC Essentials Training is free for Certified EU|BIC members and EU|BIC Associate Members. Enrollment for non-members is priced at €349 – (excl. VAT) which allows access for two team members per organisation. The persons attending from each organisation can be different from one module to another however, to receive the learning certificate the attendee needs to participate in all modules.
Non-members enrolled in the training can apply for full reimbursement of the admission costs if the organisation applies for a membership (Certified EU|BIC) within three months from the start date of the training.
A learning certificate is issued by EBN to each participant at the end of the training.
To attend register your attendance here .
For registration and more information please contact Florian Sora at and Chiara Davalli at