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EU|BIC Internationalisation Training Track

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In four modules of 2.5 hours each, the EU|BIC Internationalisation Training Programme provides business support actors with the latest know-how and best practices on how to support SMEs and start-ups to scale up and expand to foreign markets.  

The EU|BIC Internationalisation Training Track is tailored to the specific needs of internationalisation support among members of the EU|BIC community and will also involve an opportunity to put knowledge into practice by designing new services that the EU|BICs can offer because of being a network with more than 160 members in more than 35 countries all around the world. 

Participants will earn a learning certificate, issued by EBN, the leading pan-European community working on innovation-stimulating solutions, for excellent business support actors (incubators, accelerators, science centers, universities, clusters, and development agencies).

For whom 

The training programme is designed for business incubation/ acceleration professionals who want to reinforce their knowledge of supporting innovative entrepreneurs to grow internationally and expand to new markets abroad.  

The EU|BIC Internationalisation Training Track is open to members of EU|BICs as well as to external organisations, working with incubation and entrepreneurship ecosystems or to organisations that are considering becoming EBN members and obtaining the EU|BIC Certification label.  



In this training track, participants will increase their knowledge and hands-on skills in:  

  • Collaborating with all actors of the ecosystem to support client companies to go international. 
  • Learning from different tools and projects implemented by experienced BSOs to help start-ups to scale up in foreign markets. 
  • Getting a deeper knowledge of how to protect intellectual property when going international. 
  • Establish links with BSOs in other countries to provide client companies with reliable partners abroad for internationalisation support. 

Learn more about the training days in the EU|BIC International Training by downloading its Training – brochure – 2022.


The training will be delivered online over four sessions of 2.5-hours each, on 7, 8, 9 and 10 November.    

You can find the agenda of the Training Track here: Internasionalisation Training agenda 2022


Pricing & registration 

The EU|BIC Internationalisation Training is free of charge for members of the EU|BIC community.

Enrollment for non-members is priced at €349 – (excl. VAT) allowing access for two team members per organisation.

Non-members enrolled in the training, can apply for full reimbursement of the admission costs if the organisation applies for a membership (Certified EU|BIC) within three months from the start date of the training.   

EBN issues a learning certificate to each participant at the end of the training.  

For registration and more information contact Rubén Carrandi.

To attend you can register below.

Register here


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