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EU|BIC Knowledge Pill #2 - EU Projects

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Evaluation criteria: tips from expert evaluators. 

Are you interested in learning more about the evaluation scheme of Horizon Europe? Are you looking for tips on how to meet the requirements of the calls and submit a clear and credible proposal? Then join our experts for a discovery journey through the novelties of the evaluation scheme.

The evaluation of proposals is a crucial step in the Horizon Europe application process, and understanding the evaluation criteria and requirements is essential for a successful submission. That is why the second pill of knowledge will be a discovery journey where experts evaluators will guide participants through the novelties of the evaluation scheme of Horizon Europe, disclose tips to successfully meet calls requirements, offer key advice for a clear and credible submission.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and boost your chances of success in the Horizon Europe program.

Register here


10.00 – 10.05 CET  Welcome and Introduction  Livia Marcantonio, EBN 
10.05 – 10.25 CET  Evaluating proposals: setting the scene  Robert Sanders, EBN 
10.25 – 11.10 CET  Proposal evaluation in Horizon Europe.
Building on the H2020 experience and new challenges  
Raquel Almeida, SPI 
11.10 – 11.40 CET  An Evaluators Story: Sharing Experiences  Cristina Fanjul, CEEI Asturias 
11.40 – 12.00 CET 

12.00 – 12.05 CET 

Meet & Talk 

Closing words 

Robert Sanders, EBN 

Livia Marcantonio, EBN 

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