FIBIA Training: Shaping inclusive business support services
Shaping inclusive business support services
encouraging women, migrants, the young and unemployed into your business incubator
The goal of the FIBIA Training Course is to help and guide incubator staff and program managers to design initiatives that address the needs of under-represented entrepreneurs such as the unemployed, youths, women and migrants.
This day and a half training course forms an integral part of the FIBIA Programme (Fostering Inclusive Business Incubation and Acceleration), a two-year initiative with the objective of empowering business incubators & accelerators to become more open and inclusive in their service offering. FIBIA is supported by JPMorgan Chase Foundation and delivered by EBN.
Target Audience:
- Staff or managers of organisations that are either EBN / InBIA members or FIBIA users that provide business support services to under-represented entrepreneurs and would like to improve the quality and impact of their services and share global good practices.
- Staff or managers of organisations that are either EBN /InBIA members or FIBIA users that do not yet provide services to under-represented entrepreneurs but would like to expand their client range to provide fully accessible services to the different underrepresented groups located in their catchment area.
The training is built using best practices identified through the FIBIA programme, either through the Peer Review exchange among business support organisations or workshops and roundtables organised throughout the duration of the programme.
Each session will begin with an initial theoretical introduction on how to shape programmes and services according to under-represented entrepreneurs (URE) needs, followed by testimonials from experts working in business support organisations that have created extremely impactful programmes for unemployed, youth, women and migrants.
Through this mix of theory and practical examples approach, participants should leave the training with a much better understanding of how to shape or modify their own business support structures to better support under-represented entrepreneurs and enable them to have equal access to qualitative business support services.