Thu 17 Jun, 2021
07:30 GMT
Green Disruption Summit Iberia: Ready for Green Challenge
Organized by EU|BIC FUNDECYT-PCTEx, through the Office for Innovation and the Enterprise Europe Network, the Green Disruption Summit is the first European event on disruptive technologies for the green revolution. This international meeting will be held on 17 June at the Palacio de Congresos de Mérida, both in-person and online.
The summit is tailored for research and technological development centres, industrial, service and technology-based companies, investors and policymaker. It will address the decarbonisation of the production model and the ecological transition for technology, research and innovation.
Green Disruption Summit is a pioneering space to do business, seek investors and inspire disruptive solutions that lead to a radical change in the way we feed, move, generate energy and produce goods and services, objectives aligned with the EU's Great Green Deal, by seeking new solutions that facilitate this paradigm shift and promoting the development of green technologies from science, technology and through companies, entrepreneurs and startups.
9:30 – Open Ceremony
Authorities European Commission, Nationals Governments, Regional Governments and Local Authorities
10:00 – Panel: The commitment of companies to the Paris agreement: Examples around the world.
- Simon Paris CEO at Finastra.
- Thibauth de Lataillade Global VP Gartner
- Alexander Saverys CEO at CMB
11:00 – Panel: Cities in the management of sustainable development and innovation: Examples around the world.
- Júlia López Ventura Manager Director of C40 CITIES EUROPE
- Lorenzo Benini Systems and sustainability assessments European Environment Agency
- Alfons Westgeest Executive Director EUROBAT . Association of European automotive and industrial battery manufacturers
12:00 – Panel: Green Disruption & Startups: Examples around the world.
- Joao Borja CEO Startup Portugal
- Maria Benjumea CEO Startup Spain & South Summit
- Paddy Cosgrave CEO Web Summit (Lisboa)
- Marcus Dantus CEO Startup Mexico
13:00 – Panel: Investment in Green Disruption: Examples around the world.
- Atomico Funds (UK)
- Axon Partners (SP)
- Green for Growth Fund (GGF) (LUX)
- EIB Group /Escalar Innitiative (EU)
- World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)
13:30 – Elevator Pitch (Startups space)
- Convocatoria de Startups -Modelo INTEC
14:30 – Awards & Closing Ceremony