InnoRate at the European Big Data Value Forum

InnoRate will be organising its Final Dissemination Event during the European Big Data Value Forum 2021 (EBDVF21).
The online session will go through an overview of the project and the InnoRate Technology Rating System (ITRS), highlighting how investors and innovators can benefit from InnoRate, demonstrating the digital tools of the InnoRate platform and their application in assessing innovation. It will share the lessons-learned over the course of 3 years of project as well as the recommendations on how to structure, promote and successfully deploy a data-driven Technology Rating System.
Friday, December 3rd
11:00-12:00 CET
How to register for the event:
- Connect to the EBDVF registration page (via b2match)
- Register through your Google or LinkedIn account, or by using your email.
- Select your participation type (most likely ‘General attendee’)
- Fill in your profile with the required data
- Plan your attendance: to sign up for InnoRate’s session, scroll down to the events of December 3rd and tick the box as shown below:
About InnoRate:
InnoRate is an H2020 project, aimed at supporting innovative, tech-driven start-ups and SMEs with high growth potential to have easier access to the financing solutions required to scale and grow. The concept is simple: design, develop, test, and deploy an EU recognised service platform – the InnoRate Service Platform – to support and improve the decision – making processes of investors for financing innovative start-ups and SMEs, especially those that are driving or providing innovations, which have the potential to disrupt existing or create new markets.
About EBDVF21:
The European Big Data Value Forum, an event by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), will bring together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policymakers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI. Learn more about the event.