Is Open-innovation the best way to foster innovation?
Webinar ‘Is Open-innovation the best way to foster innovation ?’
This webinar, taking place on Friday, June, 25 from 11 am to 12 pm CEST is designed for EU BICs and their clients wishing to learn about Open Innovation (OI) methodologies and to understand how OI can help to develop new collaborations and synergies to foster innovation.
Laval Mayenne Technopole, CEEI Asturias, Dublin BIC and Lazio Innova: four EU|BIC members, will share their experience and good practices about Open Innovation and will present success stories amongst their clients. A start-up from Austria, K3lab, will share its experience as an innovation company.
Speakers will also give an overview of key success factors for Open Innovation initiatives, and what can be the main obstacles to setting up and running Open Innovation methodologies.
This webinar is organised by Laval Mayenne Technopole, in the framework of the AT-Virtual project funded by the INTERREG Atlantic Area programme, and is supported by EBN.