Training: EU Project Essentials Track (Horizon Europe edition)

EU Project Essentials Track (Horizon Europe edition)
In three modules the expert trainers (EU|BICs CEEI Albacete, INTellexi, META Group) leverage their extensive hands-on experience in project collaboration to provide participants with access to practical tools, pools of expert practitioners, connection to EU stakeholders, and valuable insights into the novel EU funding instrument Horizon Europe.
For who
For project-, admin-, and financial officers and managers aiming to gain a basic understanding of Horizon Europe and to increase their knowledge on EU-funded project management.
No previous experience in and knowledge of EU-funded project management is required.
In this key training track, participants increase their knowledge and hands-on skills in:
– Leveraging project implementation for the offering and financing of new support services and activities.
– Finding and applying to new EU-funded proposals.
– Project proposal writing and budget design.
– Understanding of upcoming calls in the EC Horizon Europe funding instrument.
The EU Projects Essentials Track is free for Certified EU|BIC and EU|BIC Associate members.
Enrollment for non-members is priced at €349,- (excl VAT) which allows access for two members per organisation. Non-members enrolled in the training, can apply for full reimbursement of the admission costs if the organisation applies for a membership (Certified EU|BIC or EU|BIC Associate) within six months from the start date of the training.
More information & REGISTRATION
The training will be delivered online. The track consists of three modules of two-hours each and is offered on 19, 21 and 23 April 2021.
Members who would like to enrol can register here by clicking on the 'Register Now' button here below, before 1 March 2021.
Non-members are welcomed to contact Chiara Davalli (EBN) via to complete their registration.
Update: The April 2021 training cohort is complete. We still accept your expression of interest to attend the training. In the case, seats open up due to cancellation or when we decide to re-run the training later in 2021 we would like to keep you informed. Please contact Chiara Davalli for more information via for more information.
About EU|BIC Training
Designed for a changing innovation ecosystem and workforce
Since many years, EBN in collaboration with the EU|BIC community teaches a series of training for business innovation leaders interested in strengthening their contribution to the development of their regional innovation ecosystems. The goal of our hands-on learning journeys is to provide a step-by-step overview of the tools, resources and best-practices boosting business continuity and the delivery of the highest-quality support services.
EU|BIC Training Tracks is a training series, organised by EBN and the EU|BIC community. It empowers those who seek to lead their organisation through the growth trajectory offered via the EU|BIC Certification and its membership services. The complete Training Track programme allows participants to build their skills and capacities in topics covering the full spectrum of the incubation chain.
The training programme is designed for practitioners who want to find out more about the processes and values that underpin the global EU|BIC community, and who seek to access the foundational knowledge and resources necessary to improve and expand your client service offering portfolio.
Each track connects you with innovation ecosystem partners and focuses on increasing capacity to deliver on what matters for your region, sector expertise and specialisation.