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The European Business and Innovation Centre of Asturias – CEEI Asturias - was created according to the Business Innovation Centre (BIC) model from the European Commission to encourage the creation and consolidation of innovative business in Asturias. It was founded in 1994 as a non-profit organisation, promoted by the Regional Development Agency (IDEPA) and other important regional economic entities, with the following aims: • to encourage entrepreneurial and innovative business culture • to support new business start-ups, particularly those with innovative and technological nature • to support existing companies in developing innovation and growth • to research and develop new business activities that would create employment and innovation

Entrepreneurs assisted in 2007: 668 – since start of the BIC: 5903

Companies created with BIC support in 2007: 58 (121 jobs created) – since start of the BIC: 546 Companies in the incubator: 39 (jobs created 129)
Parque Tecnologico de Asturias, Llanera, Spain
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