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CGMC, družstvo (syndicate)

CGMC, syndicate is the cluster of the general machinery in the Czech Republic (CR) which has around 80 members. The cluster operates the new Technological park Jihlava (TPJ). The Project was financed by CGMC investors and with ERDF from OP Enterprise and Innovation which provides Ministry of Industry and Trade CR. We are aware that we need to be in contact with more experienced international subjects to accelerate all more quickly.

Technological park Jihlava is situated in the centre of town Jihlava.TPJ has an area of 10 000 m2 where are offered activity for incubated and innovative subjects from machinery, mechatronics and ICT fields:

- Mutual projects for cluster members to minimalized costs a services.
- Shared facilities and services of the Developing, Education and IT centres.
- Support cooperation among the members of the cluster CGMC already cooperate mainly with tertiary and scientist sphere, socials partners and key players in CR.

The other services of TPJ:

- own data centre (Tier 3+) and connectivity,
- room offices, laboratories,
- coworking centre, coffee shop, 
- education centre,
- services and advice for development of innovations and business, etc.

CGMC, as founder and operator, is a member of The Science and Technology Parks Association of the Czech Republic.

Two other clusters are involved in projects by their members, experts and facilities.
Chýnovská 535, Planá nad Lužnicí, Czech Republic
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