META Group
META Group is an international group focusing on knowledge intensive companies and exploitation of results of R&D activities. The company provides advice and services to: policy makers and public organizations dealing with innovation and entrepreneurship; entrepreneurs building and developing their businesses; researchers willing to exploit their research and investors looking for fresh and high potential deals.
Company’s main activities are: Advice for innovation and entrepreneurship policies and strategies, Capacity building actions on access to finance, research results exploitation, start up creation and SME support; Management of early stage funds.
Since 1993 META performed more than 800 assignments, assisted more than 40 regions and delivered over 300 feasibility studies and pilot projects worldwide including seed capital vehicles for the major financing players / donors (EIF, EIB, IADB, World Bank).
META Group has its headquarter in Rome (Italy) and offices in Brussels (Belgium), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Warsaw (Poland) and is part of a sound network of leading international associations such as: INSME (International Association of SMEs), EURADA (European Association of Regional Development Agencies), TII (European association for Technology Transfer and Innovation), BAE (Business Angels Europe), IASP (International Association of Science Parks).
Experience in Financial Instruments
META Group, has a long lasting experience in setting up financial instruments and in promoting access to finance. Among most recent ones It has been contracted by EIF to conduct the Feasibility Study for JEREMIE in Italy and Malta, by regions to prepare the ground for Seed funds in Europe and outside.
META, through its subsidiary company, Zernike Meta Ventures, is currently managing 8 seed funds (approximately 100M EUR) in Italy Slovenia and Poland providing an unique expertise in implementing public/private early-stage vehicles.
META Group is an international group focusing on knowledge intensive companies and exploitation of results of R&D activities. The company provides advice and services to: policy makers and public organizations dealing with innovation and entrepreneurship; entrepreneurs building and developing their businesses; researchers willing to exploit their research and investors looking for fresh and high potential deals.
Company’s main activities are: Advice for innovation and entrepreneurship policies and strategies, Capacity building actions on access to finance, research results exploitation, start up creation and SME support; Management of early stage funds.
Since 1993 META performed more than 800 assignments, assisted more than 40 regions and delivered over 300 feasibility studies and pilot projects worldwide including seed capital vehicles for the major financing players / donors (EIF, EIB, IADB, World Bank).
META Group has its headquarter in Rome (Italy) and offices in Brussels (Belgium), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Warsaw (Poland) and is part of a sound network of leading international associations such as: INSME (International Association of SMEs), EURADA (European Association of Regional Development Agencies), TII (European association for Technology Transfer and Innovation), BAE (Business Angels Europe), IASP (International Association of Science Parks).
Experience in Financial Instruments
META Group, has a long lasting experience in setting up financial instruments and in promoting access to finance. Among most recent ones It has been contracted by EIF to conduct the Feasibility Study for JEREMIE in Italy and Malta, by regions to prepare the ground for Seed funds in Europe and outside.
META, through its subsidiary company, Zernike Meta Ventures, is currently managing 8 seed funds (approximately 100M EUR) in Italy Slovenia and Poland providing an unique expertise in implementing public/private early-stage vehicles.
Via F. Mancini, 23, Terni, Italy