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Plock Industrial and Technological Park

Płock Industrial and Technological Park (PPP-T) is an integrated investment area established to create attractive conditions for the development of companies as a joint undertaking of the city of Płock and PKN ORLEN. The local government and the management of PKN ORLEN have decided to establish the Park in order to stimulate the development of knowledge and science, create innovation, implement R&D projects, offer business benefits and create new, attractive workplaces in Płock.
PPP-T offers its customers about 60 hectares of well-communicated investment areas, equipped with necessary technical infrastructure, and attractive office space. Corporate Services Center and Central Laboratory have been operating in the Park since 2014 and 2015. They are destined for investors and business and corporate partners of the Płock Industrial and Technological Park, offering modern business services as well as research and implementation activities.
As a business support institution, PPP-T provides their partners and investors with a whole range of development services in order to support and stimulate entrepreneurship. Thanks to cooperation with universities, research institutes, entrepreneurs, public administration, business support institutions
and international organizations, the Park creates a strong cooperation network and supports and initiates R&D
39 Ignacego Łukasiewicza, Plock, Poland
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