Prishtina REA
Prishtina REA is among the most well-known local organization and project implementer in the support to:
- local governance, public administration modernization, legal review,
- internationalization, economic development, private sector,
- ICT field, communication and visibility,
- training and capacity building,
... a proven knowledge transfer arm of international partners, who were part of different technical assistance and consultancy programs in Kosovo and Western Balkans, with Governmental Institution, donor-based project and businesses, including UNDP, UNOPS, EU, WB,USAID, GIZ and Kosovo Government.
We have given this crucial component of country capacity development a specific attention, establishing implementation practices with our own direct partners from similar expertise’s region wide, with all local and central level government, which are shown to this application as well.
Where effective local/national implementation and service practices were already in place, we have formed long term alliances, as is the case with the PAI with a special emphasis on Consultancy services under the “Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans” Project, legalization system in Kosovo and Strategic legal, infrastructure, stakeholders and government bodies Framework Development, baseline assessment, e-governance assessment, human capacity, technical, system, and capacity building, in processing and managing digital readiness assessing and drafting data.
- local governance, public administration modernization, legal review,
- internationalization, economic development, private sector,
- ICT field, communication and visibility,
- training and capacity building,
... a proven knowledge transfer arm of international partners, who were part of different technical assistance and consultancy programs in Kosovo and Western Balkans, with Governmental Institution, donor-based project and businesses, including UNDP, UNOPS, EU, WB,USAID, GIZ and Kosovo Government.
We have given this crucial component of country capacity development a specific attention, establishing implementation practices with our own direct partners from similar expertise’s region wide, with all local and central level government, which are shown to this application as well.
Where effective local/national implementation and service practices were already in place, we have formed long term alliances, as is the case with the PAI with a special emphasis on Consultancy services under the “Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans” Project, legalization system in Kosovo and Strategic legal, infrastructure, stakeholders and government bodies Framework Development, baseline assessment, e-governance assessment, human capacity, technical, system, and capacity building, in processing and managing digital readiness assessing and drafting data.
Str. Zagreb, H.23. No.08, Prishtina, Kosovo