Archived project
This project started on Dec 31, 2011 to end on Dec 30, 2014.
Ed2.0Work is a European Union funded education network that has two missions:
To create a network that spans education and the world of work and is designed to improve the use of Web2.0 tools in both fields.
To create a set of tools for the empirical evaluation of Web2.0 tools.
The project will create a network between stakeholders in the education and work sectors that will examine how both should be using Web2.0 in the education and work environments. Educators and employers can get involved in this project from the earliest stages.
The project will build a sustainable network that will:
Build an empirical template to assess the effectiveness of Web2.0 tools.
Analyse the needs of stakeholders in education and work of how Web2.0 tools can be utilised.
Examine existing uses of Web2.0 tools in education and work.
Establish a repository of research, best practice guides and case studies
Special Interest Groups of educators and employers will study how the new possibilities can be used within differing sectors. 3 network conferences will be held during the project.
An early focus will be the founding of a European Centre, based on the Web2.0 European Resource Centre www.web20erc.eu founded in 2009.