
This project started on Jul 01, 2014 to end on Oct 31, 2016.
FrontierCities is an EU funded project which will support web-developers, SMEs and start-ups to develop smart mobility applications for cities across Europe.

On November 20th 2014 frontierCities will launch a call for proposals on the frontierCities website

Successful proposals should aim to address mobility issues in cities. For full details on the call please visit the call section of the frontierCities website. This is available here.

With almost €4m up for grabs, successful applications will receive between €50k and €150k.

In addition to the funding provided we will also offer technical support and business advice, in addition to boot-camps to assist successful applicatants with the use of FIWARE and market-uptake of the application developped. In order to accelerate the market -uptake of the applications we will also make introductions to cities who may be interested in using the applications developped.

FIWARE is an essential part of the project and should be an integral part of the applications. FIWARE is an open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of future internet applications and services. For more info check out the FIWARE site here.