Archived project
This project started on Jan 01, 2013 to end on Jan 01, 2015.
The GReaC Project aims at adapting and transferring to Poland, Belgium and Bulgaria an existing and successful training path developed in Italy, for would-be-enterpreneurs looking for start-up money.
The programme designed to support enterpreuners in effectively shape and present their business idea to potential investors, has been successfully developed and tested and both of contents of the programme and its organizational model, based on direct involement of early stage investors in the process, could be use as a base to tailor training initiatives in each transferee country.
The project addresses: directly as beneficaries, Innovation Intermediaries (RDAs, BICs, Chamber of Commerce, BANs); and indirectly as end-users, would-be-entrepreneurs.
The direct target-groups of the project are Innovation Intermediaries (RDAs, BICs, Chamber of Commerce, BANs).
Indirect target groups, as end-users, are would-be-entrepreneurs.
The programme designed to support enterpreuners in effectively shape and present their business idea to potential investors, has been successfully developed and tested and both of contents of the programme and its organizational model, based on direct involement of early stage investors in the process, could be use as a base to tailor training initiatives in each transferee country.
The project addresses: directly as beneficaries, Innovation Intermediaries (RDAs, BICs, Chamber of Commerce, BANs); and indirectly as end-users, would-be-entrepreneurs.
The direct target-groups of the project are Innovation Intermediaries (RDAs, BICs, Chamber of Commerce, BANs).
Indirect target groups, as end-users, are would-be-entrepreneurs.