
Archived project
This project started on Jan 02, 2017 to end on Dec 31, 2019.

By creating a sustainable strategic network of major European ICT hubs, the goal of HubLinked is to strengthen Europe’s software innovation capacity by learning from regions of proven ICT strength and sharing that knowledge will all regions. HubLinked will (i) improve the effectiveness University-Industry (U-I) linkages between computer science faculty and different types of companies (ii) develop global software innovator graduates that can work in any sector and (iii) upskill academic and industry staff to engage in U-I linkages for software innovation.

Although the ICT sector is a major economic sector in Europe, HubLinked also includes startups and SMEs in the non-software sector to provide a ‘low-cost low-commitment’ mechanism to prototype software innovations. An established partnership of large, industry-focused computer science faculties have come together with a representative mix of industry partners (large multinationals, SMEs in both the software and other sectors and start-up companies).

To achieve its vision, HubLinked has six deliverables:

effective University-Industry (U-I) linkages

the CSI4 curriculum framework for industry-oriented, internationalised, innovation-focused and interdisciplinary computer science degrees

four Global Labs modules

a portal of study and industry placement opportunities for students

online professional development tools for industry and academic staff

form the HubLinked Association with a partner from each EU country. 

Download the project flyer here and visit the website at