Archived project
This project started on Mar 20, 2014 to end on Apr 30, 2017.
INNO INDIGO is implementing a coordinated funding scheme for Indo-European cooperation projects in the field of research and innovation. INNO INDIGO project aims at contributing to ensure global competitiveness and to satisfy social needs through innovation. As the new ERA-Net with India, the INNO INDIGO project will first analyse the needs of the Indian and European markets in order to set up joint initiatives that will strengthen the European-Indian STI collaboration. This will be done through the involvement of industries and clusters of excellence and regions as important funding partners with strong links to the regional industry on both sides (Europe and India). Combining the European and Indian key aspects of innovation, INNO INDIGO deals with three types of innovation: Business driven Innovation for boosting competitiveness; Social innovation covering societal challenges and needs; Inclusive innovation targeting the Indian social challenges and needs and opening new ways of collaboration