Archived project
This project started on Jan 01, 2013 to end on Sep 30, 2015.
Aim: To foster internationalization of innovative companies in the energy and digital economy, by involving citizens as early adopters in a co-design process to validate and adapt products and services across targeted regional markets.
The LILA project will act as a platform to allow entrepreneurs to consult with early adaptor users earlier in the process, accelerating the commercialization phase of new product development.
LILA partners will build the user base and entrepreneurs will be able to access these national databases of early adaptors with no restriction on borders I.e. entrepreneurs from one country will have access to the user base built in another European country through the LILA platform. The LILA project will operate over 6 North Western Europe regions.
The LILA project will act as a platform to allow entrepreneurs to consult with early adaptor users earlier in the process, accelerating the commercialization phase of new product development.
LILA partners will build the user base and entrepreneurs will be able to access these national databases of early adaptors with no restriction on borders I.e. entrepreneurs from one country will have access to the user base built in another European country through the LILA platform. The LILA project will operate over 6 North Western Europe regions.