Opportunity Alert for EU|BIC Members' Clients: BIC Africa Mid-Term Evaluation Call for Consultancy Services

If your consultancy company specializes in project evaluation services, we have a great opportunity for you and your clients. BIC Africa is looking for consultancy services to conduct a mid-term evaluation of its project, which began in January 2020. Here are the key details:
What is BIC Africa?
BIC Africa is a project funded by the European Union aimed at promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development in Africa.
Why a Mid-Term Evaluation?
To assess the project’s progress, impact, and areas for improvement, a mid-term evaluation is crucial.
Key Details:
- Expression of Interest: Submit your interest by Friday, November 10, 2023, through the BIC Africa website.
- Eligibility: EU|BIC Members are not eligible, but they can recommend eligible consultancy companies.
Don’t miss this chance to participate in the BIC Africa project’s mid-term evaluation. Find attached here the Terms of Reference and apply before the November 10th deadline.