EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dives I: Incubation Services for Circular Economy

Part of the EBN Training & Knowledge offer 2024
In this Deep Dive session, we will dig into the peculiarities of promoting and supporting innovative entrepreneurship in and for Circular Economy according to the EU|BIC Assessment framework, therefore providing Entrepreneurship Support Organisations (ESO) with practical insights on how to implement incubation services for Circular Economy.
How long do you think we can live on this planet?
The answers are many, but one element must be taken into account: the amount of resources we are (over)exploiting every year. It is estimated that by 2050, the world will be consuming as if there were three planets Earth. What are the effects of such environmental degradation on people’s lives, economies, and societies?
The urgency to limit such environmental degradation calls for innovative solutions: a sustainable green transition is only possible if societies and economies embrace a transformative approach that cannot leave out the circular economy. Startups and SMEs, for their agility, innovative spirit and local knowledge, are well placed to spot and exploit opportunities to close the circle: according to a recent OECD research, SMEs adopting circular practices tend to be more productive, invest more and pay higher wages, still, they face major challenges related to dealing with complex regulation, or in accessing technology, skills and finance.
Innovation ecosystems, with EU|BICs at the forefront, are key drivers and enablers of this transformation, championing initiatives for a greener and more sustainable planet. According to the EU|BIC quality assessment 2023 (data 2022), 78% of the EU|BICs have expertise in Circular Economy: this is well reflected in the EBN Special Interest Group on Sustainability, Agrifood and Health where we recently heard very interesting good practices on circular economy and sustainability, and in the precious Best Practice collection performed by EBN in the framework of the RESOURCE project, where more than 20 EU|BICs and their client companies are showcased.
In this session, we will delve into:
1. INTRO | The green transition: why circular economy is prescriptive to meet the Green Deal objectives? How does it fit the social, environmental and economic objectives of European regions? Moving from linear to circular business models: how to close the loop?
In this session, we will set the scene on the Circular Economy and in particular the role innovative businesses can/must play to contribute to it.
- Ander Eizaguierre, Policy Analyst at the OECD Programme on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions, will introduce the conceptual framework OECD has developed to highlight the 12 key governance dimensions enabling and advancing local transitions towards a circular economy in cities and regions. He will also discuss how Circular Economy contributes to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of European regional ecosystems and the role business support organizations can play in that context.
2. DEEP DIVE | Incubation models and services for circular economy
Is there a need for a vertical approach to incubation services for the circular economy? A comparison of different governance models and EU|BIC Experiences. Apostolos C. Tsolakis, Senior Project Manager at EU|BIC Associate Q-Plan will host a conversation between Robert De Jong, Director at EU|BIC Royal Docks Centre for Sustainability and Homero Cardoso, Project Manager at EU|BIC TAGUSVALLEY. (Facilities; Team; Incubator Strategies, Ecosystem and Strategic partnerships).
- Robert De Jong, Director at EU|BIC Royal Docks Centre for Sustainability will present the case of the Royal Docks Centre for Sustainability: the regional hatchery for innovation, skills and enterprise supporting a more sustainable and resilient future for businesses, students and residents in the Royal Docks area (London). The Centre embeds a culture of sustainability in everything they do with a commitment to support underrepresented groups and drive engagement between the University, east London and the world.
- Homero Cardoso, Project Manager at EU|BIC TAGUSVALLEY, will share how TAGUSVALLEY has embedded circular economy approaches into its incubation and acceleration programmes, in particular in its agrifood programme INOV.LINEA. Homero will share some reflections on how TAGUSVALLEY is promoting circularity among established companies and the work they are carrying out in education and research to promote and enable circular economy models in the Tagus Valley region.
Time to look at specific circular economy programmes, tools and methodologies deployed by EU|BICs and EU|BIC Associates in their ecosystems. We’ll first get a short overview during a panel discussion, to then dig into the details of each programme in dedicated parallel sessions presented by the following speakers.
- Ilze Eglāj, Head of the Board of Valmiera Development Agency, will share the experience of the Baltic Sea region initiative, which transforms makerspaces into circular prototyping and community centres for creativity and business support. Together, we will explore the steps towards introducing circular economy principles into makerspaces (and other organisations) and learn about available tools and programmes for circularity education and awareness raising.
- Joelle Hajjar, Programmes Manager at Berytech, will present the Embrace toolkit and the way EU|BICs and BSOs can use it to help SMEs from assessing their needs and challenges to reviewing their (circular) value propositions, to defining their circular strategies, to developing their own Circularity Transformation Roadmaps.
- Francesca Natali, Fund Managing Director and Senior expert at META Group, will discuss what impact investors look for when assessing early-stage circular ventures. When reviewing a circular economy startup’s pitch deck, which slides are essential? He will also explore how peer-to-peer and mentoring schemes can help circular entrepreneurs increase their investment readiness. He will introduce some preliminary learnings from the CircularInvest initiative.
- Maria Myridinas, PhD Candidate at PSI, ETH Zürich, a former assistant at the University of Leiden, will run a workshop to introduce the Circular Economy KPIs, how they can be used to define assessment frameworks and the way to value the assessment outputs for the businesses themselves and their stakeholders. She will introduce key quantitative methods essential for implementing circular economy practices in the private sector: we will focus on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Material Flow Analysis (MFA), and other pivotal frameworks that help businesses quantify and achieve sustainability goals.
This training offers Certified EU|BICs and Associate members insights on supporting innovative entrepreneurship in and for Circular Economy according to the EU|BIC Assessment framework.
If you want to know more about the Circular Economy, do not miss the session “Closing the Loop: Circular Economy, a Key Factor for Sustainability” on June 13th, at EBN Congress 2024 in Nantes. It will represent a unique networking opportunity to meet other peers interested in the topic!
In later sessions, we will also learn about Cascade Funding Opportunities and the participation of Associated and Other Third Countries in Horizon Europe
- EU|BICs’ incubation managers and operational staff
- Business support organizations (incubators, accelerators, science and technology parks )
Date: Thursday 23 May 2024, 10:00-12:15 CET
Target audience
10.00 – 10.10 | Check-in and intro EBN Staff | -Welcome: EBN CEO Laura Lecci -Host and Moderator: EBN Impact Manager Chiara Davalli |
10:10-10:30 | Keynote: why circular economy is prescriptive to meet the Green Deal objectives? How does it fit the social, environmental and economic objectives of European regions? Moving from linear to circular business models: how to close the loop? | Ander Eizaguirre, Policy Analyst at the OECD Programme on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions |
10:30-10:55 | Governance, Facilities, Ecosystems Is there a need for a vertical approach to incubation services for the circular economy? A comparison of different governance models and EU BIC Experiences | Robert De Jong, Director at EU|BIC Royal Docks Centre Apostolos C. Tsolakis, Senior Project Manager at EU|BIC Associate Q-Plan Homero Cardoso, Project Manager at EU|BIC TAGUSVALLEY |
10:55-11:15 | Group Dynamic: map experiences of the group in CE by sector: share main challenges their clients face; challenge EU|BIC face; share success stories (both companies and programmes) | Powered by RESOURCE EU-funded project |
11:15-11:20 | Breath, stretch, drink, pause | |
11:20-12:10 | EU|BIC Service Value Chain for Circular Economy: discovering and understanding specific CE incubation tools and methodologies | Ilze Eglāj, Head of the Board of Valmiera Development Agency. Joelle Elhajjar, Programs Manager at Berytech. Francesca Natali, Fund Managing director and Senior expert at META Group. Maria Myridinas, PhD Candidate | PSI, ETH Zürich |
12.10-12.15 | Conclusions | Chiara Davalli, EBN Impact Manager |

Joelle Hajjar, Programmes Manager at EU|BIC Berytech
With more than 12 years in the banking sector, supporting corporations and SMEs, she made a shift in my career in 2021 and joined a leading business incubator in Beirut where she works on programs supporting local and regional start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs. At Berytech, she holds the position of Programs Manager in charge of the management of EU funded programs, many of them with a specific focus on circular economy and sustainability. She is also the focal point for women’s entrepreneurship.

Francesca Natali, board member at EU|BIC Associate META Group and Managing Director at Meta Ventures
Francesca is board member at META Group (MG) and Managing Director of META Ventures (MV), the financial company of META Group managing in Italy Poland and Slovenia co-investment risk capital funds. She seats in the board of directors of a number of MV portfolio companies. Francesca carries out training and coaching activities for the benefit of European entrepreneurs, start-ups and research groups to support them in preparing exploitation plans and/or in dealing with potential investors.
Key Speaker and testimonial at panel discussions on Entrepreneurship, finance and innovation, member of business plan competition in universities in Italy and abroad. She has been member of the screening committee of Women 4 Angels, the leading Italian female business angel club, she is also has been engaged by the European Innovation Council as Jury Member for evaluation of startups and scaleups.

Maria Myridinas, PhD Candidate at the Paul Scherrer Institut, ETH Zürich
Maria holds master’s degrees in Circular Economy from NTNU, Leiden University, and TU Delft, and in Urban Governance from Sciences Po, Paris. She has also worked as a business developer for three years in Southeast Europe, where she gained invaluable experience understanding and addressing key business challenges. During her work at Leiden University, Maria contributed to the RESOURCE project, employing quantitative methods to assist startups in initiating their circular journeys. Currently a PhD candidate at the Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich, Maria uses quantitative methods to explore future scenarios of sustainable deployment of carbon dioxide removal technologies. In her free time, Maria hosts a radio show discussing social issues and enjoys exploring nature.

Robert De Jong, Director at EU|BIC Royal Docks Centre for Sustainability
Robert has over 20 years’ experience leading and developing sustainable innovative programmes for knowledge institutions, commercial real estate, third sector and industry associations. As the Director of the Royal Docks Centre for Sustainability at the University of East London, he leads strategic collaboration and co-creation initiatives, ranging from digital innovation, net zero transition for cities and industry, skills and talent pathways through to entrepreneur programmes that deliver impactful outcomes in communities, industries and nature.
Alongside his role at UEL, Robert is a Net Zero Cities advisor for Climate KIC and their European Net Zero Cities programme while prior to joining UEL Robert’s career ranged from, co-founding a start-up delivering net zero supply chains and a national programme director in the UK and Netherlands for the Urban Land Institute, delivering sustainable communities across the built environment globally. A key thread throughout his career is developing collaboration to create a step change where people and organisations actively deliver sustainable impacts that positively influence wider society, culture and the environment.

Homero Cardoso, Project Manager at EU|BIC TAGUSVALLEY
Homero is the coordinator of the Technological and Sientific Competences Promotion Unit at TAGUSVALLEY with expertise in project management. He has Project Management and Team coordination experience in areas of Entrepreneurship, Business Acceleration, Circular Economy and Digital Literacy. Homero owes a degree in Chemical Engineering with a post-graduation in Accredited Laboratories Management, he is Certified Business Mentor by Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, Regional incubator network (RIERC) executive committee member and EBN Quality Mark Auditor. Homero is the Chair for Circular Economy of EBN Special Interest Group on Agrifood, Sustainability and Health.

Ilze Eglāj, Head of the Board of EU|BIC Associate Valmiera Development Agency
Ilze Eglaja is a Head of the Board of Valmiera Development Agency, a Latvian regional NGO that initiates and implements projects and initiatives fostering a dynamic business environment, digitalisation, circular maker movement, social entrepreneurship, career development support and youth entrepreneurship. With 15+ years of business support experience, Ilze is a coach and mentor for start-ups and student companies. Ten years ago, Ilze established Aspired Ltd, a tech company. Currently, with 20 years of experience in attracting EU funding, Ilze focuses more on regional community development projects. Ilze devotes her free time to her family and the Valmiera Baptist Church, where she is the Head of the Board and a Member of the Council.

Apostolos C. Tsolakis, MEng, PhD, Senior Project Manager at EU|BIC Associate Q-PLAN International
Apostolos C. Tsolakis holds a Master and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His professional experience encompasses years of experience with a highly diverse scientific and commercial background. Currently, he is affiliated with Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL as a Project Manager. He coordinates and works alongside a multidisciplinary team of dedicated researchers and consultants towards meeting industrial and societal challenges under European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I), all while also serving as Project Manager in strategic R&I projects. Over the last three years, he had the opportunity to actively engage with innovation ecosystems, extending from space applications (InnORBIT project) to circular economy acceleration programmes and ventures (Pop-Machina project), gaining valuable insights on sustainable business support services and circular social innovation endeavours.

Ander Eizaguirre, Policy Analyst at the OECD-OCDE
He has contributed to policy dialogues on circular economy and water at national and sub-national levels, including Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK and Estonia, and is coordinating the OECD’s contribution to the European Commission’s Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI), which includes 10 case studies and a synthesis report. He is also a co-author of the OECD 2020 report on the circular economy in cities and regions. Prior to joining the OECD in 2018, he worked on climate and energy policy at the Permanent Delegation of CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Businesses) to the EU. He holds a Master in Economic Research from UNED University and an MBA from the University of Deusto (Spain).
Training fees
- Free for EU|BICs and EU|BIC Associates and their client companies
- For non-members € 120 (ex VAT) per EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dive
- For non-members €299 (ex VAT) for all 3 of the EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dive sessions
Date: Thursday 23 May 2024, 10:00-12:15 CET

Open registrations
Registrations are also open for these training sessions:
- EU Project Pill I: Cascade Funding Opportunities – Wednesday 29 May 2024, 12:00-12:45 CET
- EU Project Pill II: Associated & Third Countries to Horizon Europe – Wednesday 03 July 2024, 10:00-12:30 CET