EU|BIC Innovation Ecosystem Building Playbook

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

Innovation for a Sustainable Future – 2024 EU|BIC Impact Report

We are proud to bring you the 2024 EU|BIC Impact Report – demonstrating EBN’s and the EU|BIC community’s impact by applying innovation toward shaping a prosperous and sustainable future in Europe and beyond.

Entrepreneurial Centre of Krapina-Zagorje County Becomes Newest Certified EU|BIC, Leading in Innovative and Sustainable Ecosystems in Europe

The Entrepreneurial Centre of Krapina-Zagorje County (hereafter referred to as “the Centre”) has achieved a significant milestone by obtaining the prestigious EU|BIC certification. This accolade highlights the Centre’s dedication to fostering innovation, supporting startups, and driving economic growth within the region. The EU|BIC certification reinforces the Centre’s role as a pivotal player in advancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Krapina-Zagorje County and Northern Croatia.

Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region Secures EU|BIC Certification, Strengthening Leadership in Innovation and Sustainability

The Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region (ICOK) has been honoured with the prestigious EU|BIC label. This recognition signifies ICOK’s full adherence to the EU|BIC Quality Mark Criteria, affirming its commitment to fostering innovation and driving regional economic development.

Innovation Ecosystem Building Playbook: ESOs raising access to finance for their local ecosystem and Europe 

Access to finance is crucial for growing innovation ecosystems. EU|BICs bridge the gap between startups and investors, ensuring ventures get needed financial backing. Europe’s regional diversity is a strength, with initiatives like Furthr VC in Ireland and MINERVA Business Angels in the UK driving growth. Discover more in the EU|BIC Innovation Ecosystem Building Playbook.

Call for Participation for “Lebanon Innovate” Soft-Landing Programme

Under Lebanon Innovate, a European Union funded project to revitalize the Lebanese entrepreneurial ecosystem and its productive sectors, EBN is seeking external experts to design and implement an advanced capacity-building programme on legal expertise and requirements in IPR for Lebanese lawyers foreseen for the first half of 2024.