Europe’s leading innovation partner network, fast-tracking your connectivity and certifying your value

We believe that in a world seeking to solve our global challenges, innovative entrepreneurs are the force for sustainable, economic development and greater wellbeing in our local regions.


Becoming a certified EU|BIC or joining the community as an Associate Member means responding to our mission with the best possible actions to create vibrant, thriving startups and SMEs. In other words, EU|BICs take real steps to ensure that their services are best advantageous to their client companies and best advantageous to their regions.


There are now more than 106 Certified EU|BICs and over 43 Associate members and 20 satellites shaping our global community.


EBN (European Business and Innovation Centre Network) is the non-profit that facilitates this pan-European, global community of people using innovative business as a driver for regional (economic, sustainable, and social) development. EBN grants and manages the EU|BIC certification, and many other innovation solutions for excellent business support actors like the EU|BICs.

© European Union, 2022

EU | BIC community

Operating in over 35 countries, covering the full spectrum of innovation sectors, and collaborating for continuous improvement and increased impact.
business experts & partners
Committed to the development and growth of entrepreneurial innovators, providing high-quality services to startups, spin-offs and SMEs.
Receive support from our members. Benefiting from expertise and programmes critical to their growth.
official certificate
Uniquely granted by EBN to mission-aligned organisations as the only certification of quality for business support organisations originated by the European Commission.
Build New Relationships
Fast-track your connectivity. When your organisation certifies as an EU|BIC you join a powerful community of business leaders, support practitioners and innovation partners expanding your reach within your local and international innovation ecosystems.
Improve Your Results
Getting certified and taking the yearly assessment is a powerful mechanism to help your company set goals for improvement, deliver more value to your clients and your ecosystem, and track performance over time. Members gain access to training, peers, technical assistance and funding opportunities.
Engage Trusted Partners
More than ever, people want to do engage with people and organisations they trust. The EU|BIC Certification and its trusted community are among the smartest ways to attract best-of-class clients, investment partners and to participate in revenue-generating projects that help you deliver on your mission.
Amplify Your Voice
The EU|BIC label communicates that your organisation is a verified business innovation leader when it comes to delivering quality business support and empowering entrepreneurial innovators. The third-party validation helps your organisation to stand out, and stand by your mission.

Smart solutions for all your innovation needs

News & events

Innovation for a Sustainable Future - 2024 EU|BIC Impact Report
We are proud to bring you the 2024 EU|BIC Impact Report - demonstrating EBN's and the EU|BIC community’s impact by applying innovation toward shaping a prosperous and sustainable future in Europe and beyond.
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Foreword from EBN's CEO - 2024 EU|BIC Impact Report
As we bring you the 2024 EU|BIC Impact Report, we look back with pride on the successes of 2023, a year that proved the resilience and dynamism of the EU|BIC community.
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Call for Selection of Expert Auditors for EU|BIC Certification
The European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) is inviting applications from the EU|BIC Community to become expert auditors for the EU|BIC Certification.  Deadline 15 October, 2024.
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Empowering IP Lawyers in Lebanon for Innovation and Growth
Successful conclusion of our recent capacity-building program aimed at experienced lawyers in Lebanon. This initiative brought together a dynamic group of legal professionals to support Lebanese organizations in valorizing their R&D results.
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Teknopark Izmir: Spearheading Innovation and Economic Growth in Turkey
Established in 2002 on the campus of Izmir Institute of Technology, Teknopark Izmir has emerged as a cornerstone of innovation and technology development in Turkey. This pioneering hub integrates cutting-edge research with entrepreneurial spirit, fostering a dynamic ecosystem for startups and R&D companies alike.
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Entrepreneurial Centre of Krapina-Zagorje County Becomes Newest Certified EU|BIC, Leading in Innovative and Sustainable Ecosystems in Europe
The Entrepreneurial Centre of Krapina-Zagorje County (hereafter referred to as "the Centre") has achieved a significant milestone by obtaining the prestigious EU|BIC certification. This accolade highlights the Centre's dedication to fostering innovation, supporting startups, and driving economic growth within the region. The EU|BIC certification reinforces the Centre's role as a pivotal player in advancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Krapina-Zagorje County and Northern Croatia.
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Boost Your Startup with EU-LAC Digital Accelerator
Enhance your international collaboration with the EU-LAC Digital Accelerator, offering in-kind services worth up to €30,000 to eligible partnerships from the EU, Latin America, or the Caribbean.
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Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region Secures EU|BIC Certification, Strengthening Leadership in Innovation and Sustainability
The Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region (ICOK) has been honoured with the prestigious EU|BIC label. This recognition signifies ICOK’s full adherence to the EU|BIC Quality Mark Criteria, affirming its commitment to fostering innovation and driving regional economic development.
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Laura Lecci
The pan-European EU|BIC business innovation community and the Certified EU|BIC quality label were designed as pioneering models for economic growth, facilitated by the EBN Secretariat. Throughout the pandemic, we have witnessed how the model of supporting entrepreneurial innovation continues to be the accelerator for recovery and a solution-driver for global challenges.
Our members, who we serve via the EU|BIC community, partners and the EBN team remain committed to co-design our desired future supported by innovation: creating greater wellbeing to European citizens – and beyond.


EU|BIC quality certification label
building training
expert team

Our Missions Commitments


Quality Business Support

Access to
