CAST COVID-19 Survey for Business Support Organisations: Impact, Solutions, and the Future Ahead

Tourism plays a major role in the EU economy. According to the European Commission, it is the third largest socio-economic activity in the EU and has an overall positive impact on economic growth and employment[1]. The tourism economy has been heavily hit by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. According to the new issue of the World… Continue reading CAST COVID-19 Survey for Business Support Organisations: Impact, Solutions, and the Future Ahead

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BIND 4.0. towards the 4th edition

Since 2016, the EBN Basque Members BIC Araba, BIC Bizkaia, BIC Gipuzkoa and BIC BIZKAIA EZKERRALDEA collaborate with Basque Country Government, the Business Agency in Basque Country (SPRI) and the Provincial Council in Bind 4.0, an acceleration programme to support industry 4.0 startups.  The next 3 July, the final celebration event for the 4th edition of BIND 4.0 will take… Continue reading BIND 4.0. towards the 4th edition

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Mondays for Innovation | e-Pitch your COVID-19 Solution in front of investors

In these challenging COVID-19 times, EBN continues to provide opportunities to you, our members, and the companies you support. This time, additionally to the #EBNvsCoVID19 campaign, we are facilitating rapid scaling-up fundraising for companies with COVID-19 solutions of any type. We are pleased to inform you that in collaboration with the European Business Angels Network… Continue reading Mondays for Innovation | e-Pitch your COVID-19 Solution in front of investors

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