Final event of Better Incubation project

Last Friday the final event of the Better Incubation project was held with great success! The event started in the morning with an EU Policy Workshop aimed at sharing and validating Better Incubation Policy Recommendations with policymakers, researchers, BSOs, investors for impact, regional development agencies, national agencies for social innovation and pan-European networks like Eurocities and Euclid.

BIC Euronova attracts to Malaga a new international company from Latin America

Business partners handshake international business concept

BIC Euronova, the European Business and Innovation Center of Malaga, based in the Technology Park of Andalusia (Malaga Tech Park), incorporates to its center the international company CONSULTEC; founded in Latin America, with headquarters in Panama and presence in 15 countries in the region.

Accelerating internationalisation of young innovative companies – EU|BIC (CEEI) Asturias

BIC ASTURIAS & ASTUREX jointly launched the programme “Accelerator for Internationalization – Quick Global”. This innovative programme aims to speed up the internationalisation of young companies in the technology sphere with a potentially global market or multi-market companies.