EBN renews Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

EBN Special Interest Groups, SIGs, EU Industrial and SME Strategy

The need for an update – SIGs take a turn to EU industry focus for greater collaboration
The updated SIG names and structures, which are presented below, leverage the new policy approach to drive more opportunities for EU|BIC community members.

EU|BIC Community’s Impact 2022-2023

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

As a pan-European community, we concentrate our efforts around four mission commitments: regional economic development, quality business support, access to
finance, and scaling European innovation.

EU|BIC Innovation Ecosystem Building Playbook

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

Diego De Biasio Assumes Role of President of EBN, European Business and Innovation Centre Network

Diego De Biasio, President EBN

The European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) is pleased to announce the appointment by the EBN Board of Directors of Diego de Biasio as its new President. Mr. de Biasio, a seasoned leader in business and innovation, brings a wealth of expertise and a strong vision to propel EBN forward in its mission to foster entrepreneurship and support the growth of innovative businesses across Europe – and beyond.


SocialFare is the first centre for social innovation in Italy. We believe social value generates economic value. Through acceleration programmes and seed fund services, we seek to develop solutions to contemporary social challenges by supporting impact-driven innovation. The goal is that our startups bring social and environmental benefits to society together with financial returns.

10th Milan CBA Summer School | EU|BIC CSIL

EU|BIC CSIL (Centre for Industrial Studies) opened the registrations for the X edition of the Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis. The training course offers an intensive and participative learning experience focused on CBA as a tool supporting the decision-making process of public investments.