The Financial Times and Statista are conducting a survey to identify Europe’s best start-up hubs. Incubator or accelerator programs can register for consideration to be featured in the guide. The selected hubs will be recognized in a special report on, offering valuable exposure.
Category: Uncategorised
Call to host Ocean Hackathon® 2023 in your town or city
Ocean Hackathon® is a non-stop, 48-hour event during which teams develop a prototype and reflect on its use. This must be based on marine data made available by local, national and international providers.
We developed and established our human-centred methodologies for better social entrepreneurship support programmes. In all, people are in the centre. People are the solution to social problems; human interaction is the method to identify problems and design solutions.
A change in purpose changes a system profoundly, even if every element and interconnection remain the same, with his background in some of the key actors in the innovation ecosystem, Tobias tailors his daily actions to deliver practical perspectives on how thinking in systems is critical when reconsidering our incubation models.
Why EU|BICs & other BSOs should consider promoting & supporting social & inclusive entrepreneurship in their regional ecosystems
The European Pillar of Social Rights is the European strategy dealing with fair and equal job conditions for people; the 20 principles at the basis of the Action Plan are a basis for entrepreneurs aiming at solving pressing societal challenges and make their workplace better to increase productivity and wellbeing of their workforce.
EU|BIC Country Report – Spain
EU|BICs in Spain: How they contribute to national and European innovation environments.
30% of all startups in Spain are supported by an EU|BIC. The survival rates of these companies is remarkable higher than the EU-average.
Soft-landing strategy inviting Brazilian
companies to Portugal – EU|BIC Startup
One and a half years ago Startup Leiria started to establish partnerships in other countries, with a more intense focus on Brazil. They established partnerships with universities and similar hubs in Brazil, and we had the chance to connect with Apex and Softex – the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.
Innov’Agro – Innovation competition for sustainable and performing agriculture
Rev’agro is the Agtech innovation cluster in Beauvais region aimed at promoting the emergence of innovative projects and the creation of companies in the field of sustainable and performing agriculture and more specifically in the following subsectors: robotics, eco-design, sustainable energy, AI, decision making tools and data.
8th Cohesion Forum: Address by Cristina Fanjul EBN President
EBN participated participated in the high-level panel on Smarter Europe and Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3), chaired by Cristian Bușoi, Member of the European parliament and ITRE Committee Chair.
What is new in EIC Work Programme 2022
EBN welcomes the new adopted Work Programme 2022 by the European Innovation Council and encourages the EU|BIC community to submit their client startups to the important and timely calls.