EBN Techcamp 2024 Recap

We learned so much on this Techcamp over the span of three days. This edition was especially remarkable as it marks our 40th anniversary, a date EU|BIC Furthr and the rest of the EU|BIC Community present celebrated together with the secretariat’s staff in the stunning Guinness Storehouse.
Here’s a short recap of the lessons learned on all of these sessions. Don’t forget to check at the end the memories captured over these three intense days!

EU Project Pill II: Horizon Europe Participation of Associated and Other Third Countries

eu project pill 2 for european business and innovation centres

This EU Project Pill will address the EU RDI international cooperation framework and the legal and financial implications of involving third countries in Horizon Europe proposals.  In particular we will make clarity about the different funding frameworks and agreements the EC establishes with third countries (associated countries, bilateral agreements and regional dialogues).

EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dives I: Incubation Services for Circular Economy

In the first Deep Dive, we will dig into the peculiarities of promoting and supporting innovative entrepreneurship in and for Circular Economy according to the EU|BIC Assessment framework, therefore providing Entrepreneurship Support Organisations (ESO) with practical insights on how to implement incubation services for Circular Economy.

EU Project Pill I: Cascade Funding Opportunities

Organised in collaboration with the EU|BIC Associate Sploro, this EU Project Pill will focus on cascade funding opportunities available in the three priority areas identified by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network in 2024: circular economy, deep tech and open innovation.

Members SPI, ESTIA, VVA Support Implementation of BIC Africa Ethiopia Bootcamp

BIC Africa and EUBIC at BIC Ethiopia Bootcamp 2023

”This national boot camp, organised in collaboration with the BIC Ethiopia country project, focused on the theme of mentorship and mentoring startups, a key topic for business incubators in Ethiopia. The activities aim is to produce a collaborative and innovative “Guidebook on how to mentor startups” tailored to the local ecosystem, which will be shared with Business Incubators (Bis) in Ethiopia as a reference and living document.   

EBN renews Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

EBN Special Interest Groups, SIGs, EU Industrial and SME Strategy

The need for an update – SIGs take a turn to EU industry focus for greater collaboration
The updated SIG names and structures, which are presented below, leverage the new policy approach to drive more opportunities for EU|BIC community members.

EU|BIC Community’s Impact 2022-2023

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

As a pan-European community, we concentrate our efforts around four mission commitments: regional economic development, quality business support, access to
finance, and scaling European innovation.

Keys to adapting to
triple-bottom-line innovation

The New Economy movement is based on the understanding that to develop a sustainable future, people and the planet should come first, and human well-being, not economic growth, should be
prioritised.The Triple P bottom-line framework accounts for an integral performance by measuring effects on the environment and society at the centre and the economy supporting environmental and societal prosperity.