EU|BIC CSIL (Centre for Industrial Studies) opened the registrations for the X edition of the Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis. The training course offers an intensive and participative learning experience focused on CBA as a tool supporting the decision-making process of public investments.
A change in purpose changes a system profoundly, even if every element and interconnection remain the same, with his background in some of the key actors in the innovation ecosystem, Tobias tailors his daily actions to deliver practical perspectives on how thinking in systems is critical when reconsidering our incubation models.
Bionanopolys Open Call Biobased nanomaterials: a sustainable solution for a wide range of applications
Biobased nanomaterials, which are derived from renewable sources such as plants, are gaining increasing attention for their potential to replace traditional materials in a wide range of applications. These materials have unique properties that make them suitable for use in fields such as textiles and pharmaceuticals, packaging, and foams.
The Malaga startup Epic Bounties won at the Investors Forum “Keiretsu Forum Andalucía” managed by EU|BIC BIC Euronova
Aimed at newly created companies interested in private financing, “Keiretsu Forum Andalucía” has had the participation of 9 previously selected Andalusian startups, which have presented their projects in the investment round to more than 150 investors, in order to obtain private financing between € 30,000 and € 500,000.
Keys to adapting to
triple-bottom-line innovation
The New Economy movement is based on the understanding that to develop a sustainable future, people and the planet should come first, and human well-being, not economic growth, should be
prioritised.The Triple P bottom-line framework accounts for an integral performance by measuring effects on the environment and society at the centre and the economy supporting environmental and societal prosperity.
Why EU|BICs & other BSOs should consider promoting & supporting social & inclusive entrepreneurship in their regional ecosystems
The European Pillar of Social Rights is the European strategy dealing with fair and equal job conditions for people; the 20 principles at the basis of the Action Plan are a basis for entrepreneurs aiming at solving pressing societal challenges and make their workplace better to increase productivity and wellbeing of their workforce.
SME Fund 2023 | EUBICpartner EUIPO
The Ideas Powered for business SME Fund is a grant scheme designed to help EU small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to protect their intellectual property (IP) rights. The SME Fund is a European Commission initiative implemented by the #EUBICpartner European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Time to rethink the way we do business and re-strategise I Laura Lecci, CEO of EBN
Amid the still-unfolding impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing unrest on European territories and the effects of climate change, innovation systems change is no longer a buzzword. It is an urgent call to action for the business community.
EU|BIC Country Report – Spain
EU|BICs in Spain: How they contribute to national and European innovation environments.
30% of all startups in Spain are supported by an EU|BIC. The survival rates of these companies is remarkable higher than the EU-average.
TN#11:Untapped Innovation Potential – Boosting Impact-driven and Inclusive Entrepreneurship
The next era of entrepreneurship is about raising the bar, leveling the playing field, expanding participation, and scaling the networks of social, financial, and knowledge capital that provide the foundation for successful and sustainable start-ups and scalable businesses.