The EU|BIC Self–Assessment Questionnaire 2022 is live

The EU|BIC Self – Assessment Questionnaire 2022 has been launched for EU|BICs and will be opened, during nine weeks, until April 8th, 2022.  Every year, EBN implements an annual exercise of collective data gathering from its community. With this process, EBN is capable to better supporting EU|BICs, helping them in becoming more performant, better connected… Continue reading The EU|BIC Self–Assessment Questionnaire 2022 is live

BIC Montpellier and Lazio Innova renew their EU|BIC Certification

BIC Montpellier (Fr) and Lazio Innova (It) had the opportunity to exchange best practices, share know-how, and methodologies during a peer review meeting allowing them to renew their EU|BIC Certification, for 5 years, starting from January 2022. Montpellier Business and Innovation Centre (BIC), located in south-eastern France, has been supporting for over 30 years, innovative… Continue reading BIC Montpellier and Lazio Innova renew their EU|BIC Certification

Call for Cluster Associate Partners – bwcon

EU|BIC Associate BWCON launched a Call for Expression of interest for Cluster Associate Partners representing European manufactory #SMEs Through the project ReStartSMEs, the call aims at extending the impact of its activities to European countries beyond the one already covered by consortium partners. Clusters (or other legal entities) representing traditional manufacturing SMEs, especially from industrial transition… Continue reading Call for Cluster Associate Partners – bwcon

Meet Niels Eldering, ESA, ESA BICs and, the gateway to commercialize space technology 

“ESA BICs support entrepreneurs from A to Z and focus specifically on start-ups that build their business around space technology and big data, both as a form of spin-off from the space sector and new space companies. But that alone would be insufficient. Making Europe the most competitive region in the world of space economy requires collaboration on all fronts”