EU|BIC Community’s Impact 2022-2023

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

As a pan-European community, we concentrate our efforts around four mission commitments: regional economic development, quality business support, access to
finance, and scaling European innovation.

EU|BIC Innovation Ecosystem Building Playbook

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

By the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), with contributions by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, UNIDO and Startup Commons

Diego De Biasio Assumes Role of President of EBN, European Business and Innovation Centre Network

Diego De Biasio, President EBN

The European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) is pleased to announce the appointment by the EBN Board of Directors of Diego de Biasio as its new President. Mr. de Biasio, a seasoned leader in business and innovation, brings a wealth of expertise and a strong vision to propel EBN forward in its mission to foster entrepreneurship and support the growth of innovative businesses across Europe – and beyond.

Webinar: Extended Reality Solutions for the Future of Transportation and Mobility

Our third webinar on transportation and mobility in collaboration with EU|BIC Coventry University will focus on the use of simulation, XR, and VR in transportation, featuring insights from experts at the National Transport Design Centre (NTDC) at Coventry University. Prof Stewart Birrell will discuss how NTDC contributed to the Innovate UK funded Air-One project.

We Seek Best Circular Economy Investment Practices from EU|BICs to Boost European Sustainability Initiatives | RESOURCE project

EBN is excited to support a European initiative that aims to strengthen Circular Economy projects through innovative business models and investment schemes. We seek investment good practices from the best EU|BICs client companies and projects to inspire and improve the RESOURCE pilot projects’ operations related to circular economy.

EIT Hub Israel | 2023 open call for Disrupt Me programme

EIT Hub Israel announced their 2023 open call for their flagship program: Disrupt Me! They are offering a straightforward innovation process that is tailored to meet the needs of European Corporates based on practical experience. By joining the program, corporates can take their open innovation efforts to the next level.

Bionanopolys Open Call Biobased nanomaterials: a sustainable solution for a wide range of applications

Biobased nanomaterials, which are derived from renewable sources such as plants, are gaining increasing attention for their potential to replace traditional materials in a wide range of applications. These materials have unique properties that make them suitable for use in fields such as textiles and pharmaceuticals, packaging, and foams.